شرح جميع أدوات Analysis Tools في صندوق ArcToolbox في برامج ArcGIS | طريقة استخدام كل أدوات التحليل |

Husam Jubeh
Husam Jubeh
5 هزار بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - GIS for WE (World E-learning
GIS for WE (World E-learning .)
Article about tool groups inside the analysis toolbox (Extract, Overlay, Proximity, Statistics):
Analytics Tools Videos
1. 2-1 صندوق الادوات Extract و Overlay ا...
2. 2-2 صندوق الادوات Proximity و Statist...

Explanation contents of this video:
00:00 Introduction
01:05 Target group and how to use any tool
01:45 How to understand and explain the tools through gisforwe.com
02:19 Example of the Split tool
05:15 Knowing the words translated into Arabic is very important
08:16 Second example of the Near tool
09:20 How to understand the explanation of any tool inside the analytics toolbox
09:34 How to understand the explanation of any tool within the Arc Toolbox
10:49 Conclusion

It is also important to read How to become a GIS Analyst through the link:

To follow GISforWE from here:
A site for anyone interested in the field of GIS, from here:

Here is a page and group on Facebook to learn more about geographic information systems (GIS) and ArcGIS programs through these links:
ArcGIS Facebook group:
Facebook: 486795389231905
Facebook group GIS for WE - ArcGIS:
Facebook: ESRI.ArcGIS
Facebook page GIS for WE:
Intro video link Learn about ArcGIS programs in three stages:
مقدمة دورة تعلم ArcGIS بثلاثة مراحل |...


Tools Analysis Toolbox
Analysis Extract Clip
Analysis Extract Select
Analysis Extract Split
Analysis Extract Split By Attributes
Analysis Extract Table Select
Analysis Overlay Erase
Analysis Overlay Identify
Analysis Overlay intersect
Analysis Overlay Spatial Join
Analysis Overlay Symmetrical Difference
Analysis Overlay Union
Analysis Overlay Update
Analysis Proximity Buffer
Analysis Proximity Create Thiessen Polygons
Analysis Proximity Generate Near Table
Analysis Proximity Graphic Buffer
Analysis Proximity Multiple Ring Buffer
Analysis Proximity Near
Analysis Proximity Point Distance
Analysis Proximity Polygon Neighbors
Analysis Statistics Frequency
Analysis Statistics Summary Statistics
Analysis Statistics Tabulate Intersection

Prepared and presented by the developer and researcher in the field of geographic information systems, Hossam Jubeh
Ramallah - Palestine.

GIS for World of E-Learning
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/11/03 منتشر شده است.
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