咕嚕肉🔴生炒骨🟠甜酸骨🟡無需扮嘢的家庭餸菜🤭簡單方法🎯人人輕鬆做到😋好食過九流師傅🤭【新入廚朋友一樣做到👍】 詳盡講解 酸甜汁 咕嚕汁 開胃餸菜 帶飯首選 Sweet and sour pork👍👍👍

{{越煮越好}}Very Good
{{越煮越好}}Very Good
1 میلیون بار بازدید - 8 سال پیش - ⬇️⬇️English recipe follows ⬇️⬇️ 咕嚕肉:
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows ⬇️⬇️ 咕嚕肉: 材料: 梅頭豬肉1斤 菠蘿1個 蕃茄2個 青椒半個 黃椒半個 紅尖椒1隻 雞蛋2隻 調味料: 茄汁 白醋 片糖1塊 生粉 處理: 1. 豬肉清洗乾淨,擎乾水,切粒。 2. 豬肉調味: a. 生粉1湯匙,攪勻。 b. 油1湯匙,攪勻。 c. 豉油1茶匙,攪勻。 3. 菠蘿切去頭尾,取出菠蘿肉,每片菠蘿,1片切開3塊。 4. 洗淨蕃茄、青椒、黃椒及紅尖椒,切細件。 5. 雞蛋,取出蛋黃。 6. 放蛋黃落豬肉,撈勻。 7. 預備生粉。 烹調: 1. 大火在鑊中燒熱400毫升油。 2. 豬肉沾上生粉,放入油中,轉中慢火。 3. 逐件豬肉放入油中。 4. 豬肉炸至油起泡,再炸多3分鐘,隔去鑊中的油,放上碟。 5. 放青、紅、黃椒落鑊,白鑊爆香,放上碟。 6. 放400毫升水及片糖落鑊,加入半支茄汁及2湯匙白醋,煮溶片糖,試一試味。 7. 放青、紅、黃椒,再加入生粉芡(生粉加水),慢慢煮至收汁。 8. 熄火。 9. 攤凍咕嚕汁大約3分鐘。 10. 不要開火,放咕嚕肉入汁內,撈勻,上碟。 Sweet and sour pork: Ingredients: Plumhead pork meat 1 catty Pineapple 1 No. Tomatoes 2 Nos. Green bell pepper 1/2 No. Yellow bell pepper 1/2 No. Big red chili 1 No. Eggs 2 Nos. Seasoning: Tomato ketchup White vinegar Slab sugar 1 slice Tapioca starch Preparation: 1. Rinse the pork. Hang dry and get it diced. 2. Season the.pork: a. Tapioca starch 1 tbsp, mix well. b. Oil 1 tbsp, mix well. c. Light soya sauce 1 tsp, mix well. 3. Cut both ends of pineapple. Peel and slice it. Cut a slice of pineapple into 3 shares. 4. Rinse tomatoes, green, yellow, and red bell pepper. Cut into small cubes. 5. Eggs, take out egg yolks. 6. Mix the pork well with egg yolks. 7. Get ready of tapioca starch. Steps: 1. Heat up 400ml oil at high flame in wok. 2. Coat pork with tapioca starch, put into oil. Turn to low flame. 3. Put pork into wok one by one. 4. Deep-fry pork until there are bubbles coming up, deepfry for 3 minutes more. Pour away oil, put pork on plate. 5. Fry green, red, yellow bell pepper in wok for 1 minute. Put on plate. 6. Put 400ml water into wok. Mix with slab sugar 1/2 bottle of tomato ketchup and 2 tbsp of white vinegar. Taste the sauce when it has been cooked well. 7. Fry green, red, yellow bell pepper with tapioca sauce (tapiocs starch and water) until the sauce becomes thick. 8. Turn off fire. 9. Cool down the sauce about 3 minutes. 10. No need to turn on fire. Put pork into the sauce. Mix well. Serve. 咕嚕肉
8 سال پیش در تاریخ 1395/12/29 منتشر شده است.
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