Kamran Djam Annual Lecture 2016, Part 1, SOAS University of London

SOAS University of London
SOAS University of London
4.4 هزار بار بازدید - 9 سال پیش -
This is the first of two lectures that made up the Kamran Djam Annual Lecture 2016 which was held at the London Middle East Institute's Centre for Iranian Studies at SOAS University of London. The lecture titled ""Bûy-e jû-ye Mûliân": some considerations on exile, desire and poetry from Rudakî to Jâmî" was given by Leili Anvar (Institut des Langues et des Civilsations Orientales, Paris) on 3 February 2016.

I want a bosom torn by severance that I may unfold the pain of love-desire (Rûmî, Mathnavî, book I)

Although it is common to divide Persian classical love poetry into profane and mystic, this presentation will try to show that there is a deep thematic and aesthetic continuity that unites the first poems composed in modern Persian in a courtly context to the verses composed in a more spiritual atmosphere. It is true that the classical themes and images of profane love were gradually transmuted into a language that expressed mystical love and longing. But a close comparative analysis of the famous poem of bû-ye jû-ye Mûlîyân by Rûdakî as presented by Nezâmî ‘Arûzî in his Four discourses, the opening of the Mathnavî (“the song of the reed”) and some other ghazals from the Dîvân-e Shams will show us why and how poetry appeared as the only possible answer to the feeling of exile, separation and longing, be it worldly or spiritual. It is only through poetic evocation that the gap of absence can be filled and the beauty of the Beloved be described. It reminds us that which has been lost, whatever “that” be. The powers of the poetic language are the media through which the soul is awakened and made aware of her separation from the primordial Beauty.

Former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Leili Anvar holds a PhD in Persian literature. She is professor of Persian language and literature at the Institut des Langues et des Civilsations Orientales, Paris. Her interest in the cultural expressions of mystical inspiration is manifold. As a specialist of Persian mystical literature she has been translating Rûmî, Shams-e Tabrizi, ‘Attâr, Nezâmî  and more modern writers, but she also broadcasts a weekly programme  on spiritual issues at the radio (France Culture) and is a regular contributor to Le monde des religions. She is also a poetic performer, designing and participating into poetic recitals of mystic poetry accompanied by various musicians.

Her publications, besides academic articles, include Rûmî (Entrelacs, 2004), Orient, Mille ans de poésie et de peinture (Éditions Diane de Selliers, 2005), Malek Jân Ne’mati: “La vie n’est pas courte mais le temps est compté” (Éditions Diane de Selliers, 2007), Rûmî, la Religion de l'Amour (Seuil, 2011). She has also published a new translation in verse of the Canticle of the Birds (Editions Diane de Selliers, 2012, new edition 2014) and the first French translation of a selection the spiritual teachings of Ostad Elahi, Paroles de Vérité, Albin Michel, 2014.

You can find out more about this event at https://goo.gl/UR7voF

the second lecture can be found at Kamran Djam Annual Lecture 2016, Part...
9 سال پیش در تاریخ 1394/12/10 منتشر شده است.
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