Top 10 INSANE Nazi Superweapons — TopTenzNet

172 هزار بار بازدید - 9 سال پیش - Top 10 Terrifying Nazi Super
Top 10 Terrifying Nazi Super Weapons For World Domination

World War II started off with the Nazis pretty much wanting to control the whole world. Twenty years after the previous World War, Europe was still in a period of recuperation and Germany was one of the countries worst off in the aftermath. In an astonishingly short period of time, they were able to rebuild their war ravaged country, consolidate the army –even though they weren’t allowed to- and begin down a path, in their minds, thought to bring them justice. Besides this, Hitler also had in mind to transform Germany into a self-sustaining empire, by displacing the peoples from what is now present-day Ukraine and take those fertile lands for his own.

To do this, the Nazis resorted to a systematic and ruthless way of fighting, which in the first half of the war brought them one victory after another. This came to be known as the Blitzkrieg (Lighting War). They also made use of some state of the art technologies and war machines, the Allies were no match to. Here are ten of those “superweapons”, as well as some which fortunately remained only on the drawing board and were never deployed on the battlefield.

10. The Panther Tank

Zentralbild, II. Weltkrieg 19139-45 Der von der faschistischen deutschen Wehrmacht während des Krieges entwickelte neue Panzerkampfwagen Typ "Panther". UBz: die Verladung neuer "Panther"-Panzerkampfwagen zum Transport an die Front (1943).

To start off this list, we must first talk about the Nazi Panther tank. What makes this war machine stand out of all the other tanks of WWII is a combination of firepower, armor, maneuverability and speed. Originally intended to be used as a counter to the T-34 Soviet tank, the Panther was introduced on the battlefield in 1943 and was in use up until the end of the war. Initially it was to replace the Panzer III and Panzer IV tanks, but ended up fighting alongside them throughout the duration of the war.

Nevertheless, the Panther soon enough became one of the most feared machines on the ground. Thanks to its sloped armor, the Panther got both extra protection, all the while limiting its total weight, as well as not sacrificing speed and maneuverability in doing so. This design was made standard on both sides, during and after the war. What made it stand out most of all was its rage. Firing a 75 mm cannon, the Panther was able to take out pretty much any Allied tank from long distances and not having to worry about retaliating fire.

Other, larger Nazi tanks were built and deployed during WWII; tanks like the Tiger I and II, and even though they were more heavily armored and with better firepower, these tanks used huge amounts of fuel, which limited them greatly. Many believe that the Panther had the best tank design of WWII and directly competed with the Soviet T-34 which, even though lacked many technical advantages, it more than made up through its simple design, easy drivability and huge numbers of it being built by the Soviets.

9. The V3 Cannon

The Vergeltungswaffe 3 Cannon (a.k.a. “England Cannon”) or more commonly known as the V3, this Nazi “vengeance weapon” was intended to fire huge projectiles at immense distances across the English Chanel, from France to London. Built directly into a hill, the V3 operated by a multi-charge principle where secondary charges were detonated inside the long barrel, in order to propel the artillery shell even further.

Initial trials of the V3 took place in May 1944 when the cannon achieved a range of 55 miles (88 kms.) and again in July with 58 miles (93 kms.). Two of these cannons were built and only one of them saw any action during the war. From January 11th 1945 until the 22nd, a total of 183 rounds had been fired on the recently liberated city of Luxembourg. It nevertheless proved mostly ineffective as out of the total 142 projectiles that detonated, only 10 people fell victim to it and injuring another 35.

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Text version:

Coming up:

10. The Panther Tank
9. The V3 Cannon
8. The Fritz X Radio-guided bomb
7. The Aggregat Rocket Series
6. Dora and Gustav Rail Cannons
5. The Landkreuzer P 1000 Ratte
4. The Horten Ho 229 Stealth Bomber
3. The ZG 1229 Vampir
2. The Silbervogel Sub-Orbital Bomber
1. The Orbital Sun Gun
9 سال پیش در تاریخ 1394/11/14 منتشر شده است.
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