211.4 هزار بار بازدید - پارسال - 100% vocals, no instruments. Online
100% vocals, no instruments. Online on all streaming platforms.

Islam has the potential to positively change the world by creating better people,
better communities, and a better environment.
And we, at Nussimbaum, want to explain the deeper meaning behind Islam.

Hold on to what He gave you,
everything else will let you down on the Day of Judgment.

The knowledge you gather is your light in the grave
find out now what is wrong, what is true

Wake up drenched in sweat in the night, shaytan was in my dreams again

He shows me the beauty of this dunya, I must never trust him again

He wants to destroy my future again, but today I won't hold on to him anymore

I hold with all my strength onto the rope of Allah, the community and His Deen

There's much that you will still learn, the goal is not far away
I walk the path that honors me, even if my legs resist

And if the devil fools you again
seek refuge only in the direction of the Ka'ba

The reason we keep losing 'cause we don't see anymore
the community makes us stronger

Isn't now the time to free yourself from these chains

You take nothing on earth with you into eternity


To eternity..

Do you hear the ummah screaming, the ticking bomb threatens our core

We must free ourselves from these chains
the picture they have of us is distorted

I want you to prove to everyone here today, no matter how many times they complicate your role

Because what you're doing here has to unite people,
otherwise everything is wasted

Look at the miracles in the Qur'an, look at the miracles in Al-Furqan

The media lies to you every day, come on, let me teach you about Islam

Everyone talks about meditation - We talk about As Salah (The prayer)

Everyone is talking about donations - We are talking about Az Zakat (mandatory donation)

As Siyam (Fasting) Brings Barakah (Blessings)
Do the Hajj (pilgrimage), see Al Ka'ba..

Everyone Talks About Faith - But We testify Ash Shahada (Testimony of Faith)

Tears flow here day and night, but my Creator gives me strength

Gives me strength..

Isn't now the time to free yourself from these chains

You take nothing on earth with you into eternity


To eternity..

I see it on your face, just because He loves you

He shows you His light, follow His way

I see it in your face, just because He loves you, He shows you His light..

Isn't now the time to free yourself from these chains..

I see it in your face, just because He loves you, He shows you His light..

What is the Future? Is the future just a short period of
60 / 70 years worth of life today?

Or is the real future something that continues forever in Paradise?

Where believing families will be brought together again.

And where the host is none other than God himself, The Most Generous.

پارسال در تاریخ 1401/12/25 منتشر شده است.
211,497 بـار بازدید شده
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