My Testimony: Before I Received the Holy Spirit

20.4 هزار بار بازدید - 12 سال پیش - Before I received the baptism
Before I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with FIRE in my life, I had NO POWER. The Holy Spirit gives us POWER. He gives us power to overcome sin, and He gives us power to proclaim the gospel of Jesus, to win souls into the Kingdom. Before I received the Holy Spirit, I was passionate about God and I would tell people about God but I didn't win a single soul into the Kingdom of Heaven, I didn't win them for Jesus. I won a few people to church, but I didn't win anyone to Jesus. I was religions since I was young and passionate like so many Christians are, but I'll tell you one thing, UNLESS YOU ARE ABIDING IN JESUS AND HAVE RECEIVED HIS HOLY SPIRIT GUIDANCE YOU CAN DO NOTHING! If you want the Holy Spirit baptism, where you need to go is Jesus. Jesus says: "Abide in Me and I will abide in you, apart from ME you can do nothing." Apart from Jesus we can't do anything. We can't win souls to Him. We can't bring a soul into the Kingdom of Heaven unless we have entered the Kingdom of Heaven. For a long time I was a Christian who could not perceive the Kingdom of Heaven. I knew Jesus with my own carnal mind, I knew my Bible, BUT I had NOT received the Holy Spirit baptism. If you desire the Holy Spirit baptism, the Holy Spirit that guides you and teaches you and leads you into HIS truth, then you need to seek of JESUS, HE IS THE ONE WHO GIVES HIS HOLY SPIRIT! You can read about this in Luke Chapter 11. Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to guide those who truly want to seek HIM. Do you want to seek Jesus? And do you want the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Do you want the POWER of the Holy Spirit in your life? Because without the Holy Spirit you have NO POWER, you can do NOTHING. May the grace of Jesus be with you.
12 سال پیش در تاریخ 1391/09/09 منتشر شده است.
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