Armored Core VI: Coral Dawn - [ZGMF-X42S Destiny] Ch04 M34 - Reach the Coral Convergence

532 بار بازدید - 3 روز پیش - Shinn: "What do you mean
Shinn: "What do you mean you're on the way!?"

Dr. Saotome: "Please, my boy! Listen! The Vespers and the Redguns are finished."

Shinn: "What?"

Dr. Saotome: "Michigan as we already know was killed along with the Balam MT forces by V.IV Rusty. But while you were down here fighting Rusty, a major shitstorm occurred in Depth 2! The entire route which Kira took is an inferno!"

Shinn: "This happened just now!?"

Dr. Saotome: "The whole place was shaking even where we were camped. So I decided to just haul ass with our transport. Almost got done in by falling debris. But more importantly, here's what we know. Kira managed to kill V.VI Maeterlinck and a surviving member from the Redguns, G3 Wu Huahai at Institute City aside from Arquebus' MT forces. That is when Walter lost contact."

Shinn: "So, Kira may have been ambushed then. Ah, I see the Sherpa. Proceeding to resupply."

Dr. Saotome: "Here's the most important part. I've managed to intercept random chatter across Arquebus' frequencies. Rumour has it that the leader of the Vespers V.II Snail is dead and nobody knows how! Pater of the Vespers is also MIA along with several battalions of Arquebus forces."

Shinn: "Several battalions!? I take it that Snail's no small fry either?"

Dr. Saotome: "He's not on V.I Freud's level. Arquebus' top ace. But still, Snail is not someone even a professional would mess with and come out unscathed. And if you consider the unexplained death of V.III O'Keeffe a few days ago and V.I Freud himself MIA as well, I highly suspect that "unknown" force we've encountered time and again might be finally making their move!"

Shinn: "Kira...He may be in even greater danger than we thought!"

Dr. Saotome: "You as well! Those GHOSTs have attacked you plenty of times already. Whoever is behind them probably has more Institute machines working with them!"

Shinn: "What about that woman? Kate-something... Kate Markson!... Do we know what she is up to? Can we trust her or...?"

Dr. Saotome: "I don't know. It looks like Kate Markson's completely vanished from Rubicon 3! Or rather, I can't find a single video, audio or any electronic log whatsoever of her ever being here. It's like she and that unique AC of hers never existed! Be careful, Shinn! I just don't know what's going on!"

Shinn: "Resupply done! Sortieing!"

*         *         *         *         *

Shinn: "... Institute city... This artificial environment is like the lunar colonies or maybe even the PLANTs."

Dr. Saotome: "I've just got some new info. According to Arquebus chatter, their special command unit is going to take over the survey. They were already on standby and have sent in reinforcements. Two of the machines taking part are NEXTs, operated by Arquebus special forces operatives. And we both know who is in charge of the special forces..."

Shinn: "Char Aznable..."

Dr. Saotome: "We're pressed for time. Destroy all Arquebus special forces including the NEXTs. Don't let even one leave the battlefield!"

Shinn: "You got it."

*       *       *        *         *

Arquebus NEXT SF 1: "No.62 to Command. Arrival of Destiny AC confirmed."

Arquebus HQ: "Acknowledged. Proceed as instructed."

Arquebus NEXT SF 2: "No.44, reporting. Hostile's trajectory indicates first time entry. Connection to Vespers' annihilation: Unlikely."

Arquebus HQ: "Very well. Capture is no longer a priority. Destroy if necessary."

Shinn: "Whoa, you guys are packing some fancy ACs huh? Didn't know Arquebus had NEXTs of their own."

Arquebus NEXT SF1/SF2: " "Terminate target. Arquebus directive. The mission..." "

Shinn: "What the hell!?"

Dr. Saotome: "What's with these guys!? They're acting like robots or something."

*      *      *      *      *

Shinn: "You really think those guys were products of Arquebus' "re-education"? "

Dr. Saotome: "The only thing worse than augmentation. Using cybernetic implants to alter the brain, turning a person into little more than a mindless drone for combat. Most who were forced to go through it were short-lived. Days or weeks at best."

Shinn: "Doc, Coral readings are off-the scale. It seems to be coming from this lake and the... "Vascular Plant" was it?... Whoa! Is all  that...?"

Dr. Saotome: "All of that glowing ore... The Coral. A living, breathing source of extraordinary power! And it's growing!"

Shinn: "Doc! Something's coming. Coral reactions are going crazy! It's coming from that unit!"

Dr. Saotome: "IB-01: CEL 240. Do you remember I once mentioned the Ibis series?"

Shinn: "Something about C-weapons that not only run on Coral but can manipulate it?"

Dr. Saotome: "You're about to experience it firsthand."

*       *      *       *       *

Shinn: "Is it over, now!?"

Dr. Saotome: "How did you survive? I'm surprised. But, pleasantly so."

Shinn: "I'm going to check the area. Kira might still be arou-..AAARRGH!?"

Dr. Saotome: "Shinn!? SHINN!!"

Char Aznable: "I think you're lost my friend. Decades in my nightmares. You have much to repay.... Gundam..."
3 روز پیش در تاریخ 1403/04/11 منتشر شده است.
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