Crochet Headband Ear warmer bobble stitch tutorial - © Happy Crochet Club

Happy Crochet Club
Happy Crochet Club
1.2 میلیون بار بازدید - 6 سال پیش - Double Knit yarn or #3
Double Knit yarn or #3 and 4.00mm crochet hook. Crochet headband bobble stitch tutorial. #howtocrochet#crochetheadband#crochetforbeginners# ©copyrighted work. When a person creates an original work that is fixed in a physical medium, they automatically own the copyright to the work. As the copyright owner, they have the exclusive right to use the work. Most of the time, only the copyright owner can say whether someone else has permission to use the work. How to crochet Ear warmer headband. Bobble stitch tutorial. Designed by Happy Crochet Club. Note. Sorry one bobble stitch I made (4) should be (dc5tog) Channel copyright Happy Crochet Club. YouTube - Keep control of your content To help protect what's yours, we've identified other videos that may be using some or all of your content. You can take action on these videos in several ways, including starting a conversation with the other channel or asking YouTube to remove the video. ESPAÑOL - INGLÉS puntos Ch - Cadena FPdc - Punto alto por el poste de la frente BPdc - Punto alto por el poste de atrás FP triple - Punto alto doble por el poste la frente BP triple - Punto alto doble por el poste de atrás Chain space - Espacio de cadena Continue - Se continuan Stitches - Punto sc - punto bajo hdc - Medio punto alto dc - Punto Alto Triple - Punto alto doble Between - Entre Back loop(s) - Anillos a la detrás del trabajo Pattern - Patrón Repeat - Se repiten Round - Ronda Row - Vuelta Right side - Lado derecho 2 Together - Se juntan 2 puntos Skip - Se saltan el siguiente punto Slip Stitch - Cadeneta/Punto enano Space - Espacio Extended (ext.) - extendido PORTUGUÊS / INGLÊS chain stitch = (Ch ) - Ponto correntinha =(corr.) front post double crochet=(FPdc) - Ponto alto em relevo pela frente back post double crochet = (BPdc) - Ponto alto em relevo por trás stitch = ( st ) - Ponto = ( pt) Pattern - Receita, padrão, gráfico Together - juntos Next stitch - próximo ponto Next round - proxima rodada slip Stitch = (sl st ) - Ponto baixíssimo= ( Pbx) single crochet = ( sc ) - Ponto baixo= ( Pb) half double crochet = ( hdc ) - Meio Ponto alto= (mpa) double crochet = ( dc ) - Ponto alto =(pa) treble crochet = ( tr ) - Ponto Alto duplo= (pad) double treble crochet = ( dtr) - Ponto Alto triplo = ( pat) triple treble crochet = ( tr tr ) - Ponto alto quadruplo= (paq) Extended (ext.) - estendido US - German Deutsche sc - Feste Masche (fM) dc - Stäbchen (Stb) chain (ch) - Luftmasche (Lm/Lftn) stitch (st) - Masche (M) chain space - Luftmaschenbogen (Lftm-Bg) back loop only - nur hinteres Maschenglied row (R) - Reihe (R) round (rd) - Runde (Rd) skip (sk) - überspringen/auslassen slip stitch (sl st) - Kettmasche (Kettm) repeat (rep) - wiederholen (Wdh) last stitch - letzte masche (FPdc) - vordere Reliefmasche mit Stäbchen (BPdc) - hintere Reliefmasche mit Stäbchen turn the work - die Arbeit wenden right side - Richtige Seite / AuBenseite US-Italiano Chain (ch) - punto catenella single crochet (sc) - maglia bassa (m.bassa) half double crochet (hdc) - mezza maglia alta double crochet (dc) - maglia alta (m.alta) triple crochet (tr/trc) - maglia altissima slip stitch (sl st)- maglia bassissima front post (FP)- in costa davanti back post (BP)- in costa dietro between stitches - tra i punti before stitch - prima del punto Do not count 1st join stitch - Non contare il primo punto U.S - RUSSIAN ch – chain – воздушная петля BP dc – back post dc – столбик с накидом провязанный снизу FP dc – front post dc – столбик с накидом провязанный сверху back loop only – только изнаночная петля sl st – slip stitch – полустолбик без накида ( soadinits pervuju i poslednuyu petlu) st(s) – stitch(es) – петля(и) sc – single crochet – столбик без накида hdc – полустолбик с одним накидом dc – double crochet – столбик с накидом repeat – повторять, раппорт together – провязать вместе Do not count 1st join stitch - Nenada shcitats pervaju petlu kogda vi schetayem po krugu. U.S. - French FRANCAIS Chain (ch) - maille en l'air (ml) /maille chaînette - mch single crochet (sc) - maille serree (ms) back loops - boucles arrière turn your work - tourne ton travail hdc 2 tog - demi - br 2 (deux ensemble) half double crochet (hdc) - demi-bride (demi-br) double crochet (dc) - bride (br) triple crochet (tr/trc) - double bride (d-br) slip stitch (sl st) - maille coulee (mc) front post (FP) - double bride en relief avant back post (BP) - double bride en relief arriere
6 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/03/24 منتشر شده است.
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