Opening/Other Extracts from Ghosts of Girlfriends Past DVD (09-22-09) (Canada) (Region 1) (EDITED)

Jesse Coffey
Jesse Coffey
995 بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - Files created August 1, 2009.
Files created August 1, 2009. Matthew McConaughey stars as a serial womanizer haunted by the ghosts of his prior girlfriends on the way to his brother's wedding. Jenny: Jennifer Garner. Uncle Wayne: Michael Douglas. Paul: Brecken Meyer. Sandra: Lacey Chabert

Alliance #111301

COMMENT: My original choice for the first opening I did with the DVD drive I mentioned in the intro was the Mexican Spanish DVD of STEALTH. However, it turned out to have the same contents as the U.S. DVD even though it was not encoded for region one, so I opted to go over to this opening as the first one from the new drive that would be uploaded. It seems to be as multi-regional as I had desired thus far.


A dispute was filed against Warner Music Group in order to ensure the viewability of this video in the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Outlying Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, United States, and the American Samoa.

Introduction by yours truly
Warning: "International agreements and national laws protect copyrighted motion pictures, videotapes and sound recordings. Unauthorized reproduction, exhibition or distribution of copyrighted motion pictures can result in severe civil and criminal penalties under the laws of your country. The International Criminal Police Organization—INTERPOL, has expressed its concern about motion picture and sound recording piracy to all of its member national police forces. (Resolution adopted at INTERPOL General Assembly, Stockholm, Sweden, September 8, 1977.)"
Attention: "Les droits des auteurs d'oevres cinematographiques, musicales ou sonores enregistrees soit sur film, soit sur DVD, soit sur disque ou tout autre procede, sont proteges par les lois et les conventions internationales. Toute reproduction, sauf pour l'usage strictement prive du copiste, et tout usage a des fins lucratives ou en public, sont interdites sans l'authorisation prealable et ecrite du titulaire des droits d'auteurs. Le contrevenant s'expose a des sanctions civiles et penales. Le 8 septembre 1977 a Stockholm, les representants de tous les pays membres l'organisation internationale de police criminelle—INTERPOL—ont vote l'unanimite une resolution exprimant leur volonte d'intensifier la lutte contre ces infractions."
Logo: New Line Home Entertainment
Logo: Alliance Films
Coming to Theatres: Coco Avant Chanel, Nine
Coming to DVD: Easy Virtue, Away We Go
DVD Menu (I have a knack for keeping it long, I know, but I really like the snazzy instrumental used here.—J.C.)
Logo: New Line Cinema
[The opening and closing credits would be here but they had been cut as they had caused the video to be blocked worldwide originally]
Slide: "The contents of this DVD are protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed solely for non-commercial private viewing in homes. Any other unauthorized duplication, distribution, transmission, public exhibition and/or alteration is strictly prohibited unless expressly authorized by Alliance Films Inc. or one of its affiliates, and my result in criminal and/or civil liability. All rights reserved. Le contenu de ce DVD est protege en vertu des Lois sur la propriete intellectuelle et le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation de ce DVD est limitee aux seules fins de projection privee non commerciale. Toute distribution non authorisee, duplication, transmission, projection publique et/ou modification est strictiment interdite a moins d'une autorisation expresse d'Alliance Films ou de l'une de ses societes affiliees et pourrait resulter en une poursuite criminelle et/ou civile. Tous droits reserves."
5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/10/02 منتشر شده است.
995 بـار بازدید شده
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