زينب لفت | دانيال بوجبارة

دانيال بوجبارة - Danial Bojbarah
دانيال بوجبارة - Danial Bojbarah
163.2 هزار بار بازدید - پارسال - الملا دانيال بوجبارةالشاعر المرحوم السيد
الملا دانيال بوجبارة
الشاعر المرحوم السيد عبد الحسين الشرع

مدير التصوير
ميثم الضيف

قاسم بوشفيع
مصطفى الحماده
ناصر الجاسم
خادم أهل البيت

اشراف عام
ياسر المهناء

زيد عدنان

تصميم الغلاف
زهراء العسماوي

حسن مرهون

مهدي الحداد

خدام فاطمة العليله
زيــنــب لــفــت يــم حــســيـن... لـﭽن ﮔابـعـه بـالـهـم
Approaching anxiously, Zainab went to Hussain...as she was overburdened with worries
تـﮔلــه يــا ضــوه عـيـونـي... عـلـيـمـن هـالـفـزع مـلـتـم
She tells him, O' consolation of my eyes, why have those numerous men congregated?
تـعـنـت  لـيـه  لـلـخـيـمــــــــه ... وتـفـسر الصخر ونتهـا
She moved as she entered his tent, with even the stones feeling the pain of her cries
طـبـت قـعـدت اﮔبـالــــــه ... وعـالـخـد تـهـل دمـعتهـــا
She entered and sat in front of him, with tears shed down her cheeks
تـﮔلـه اعـلـيـك ضـلـع امـك ... الـمـظـلـومـه او مـصـيـبـتـها
I swear to you by the broken rib of your oppressed mother and her tragedy, she tells him
سـولـف لـي يـمـاي الـعـين...لا تخفي علي
يحسيــن...عليمن هالفزع صوبين
Tell me O' the solace of my eyes, don't hide it from me O' Hussain, why are they here?
وأشــوف  ابــكـثـر عـج الـخـيـل ... وادي كـربـلــــه غـيـم
I see the overcrowdedness of the mounted soldiers...upon Karbala as they approach.

أويـلـي مـن سـمـعـهـا احـسـيـن... سـالـت دمـعة اعيونــــــه
Woe upon my grief when Hussain heard her words, as he began to weep
يـﮔلــهــا أخـاف أسـولـف لـﭻ... او وجـهـﭻ يـنـخـطـف لـونـه
I fear if I tell you, your facial expression will change - he says to her
ابـﭽتــلـى او ﭽتـل أهـل بـيـتـي... يـخـتـي الـﮔوم يـردونــــه
With murdering me and the slaughter of my progeny, is what the enemies are seeking
ولا  بـد مـا تـشـوفـيـنــه...فـوﮔ الثره امـﮔطعينه...يزينب لا تنوحينــه
O' Zainab, when you see on top of the mount, we are slaughtered...do not mourn us
عـيـنـج عـالـيـتامه النــــــــار... لو شبت بالمخيــــــــم
Take care of the orphans as they deal with the flame, engulfed upon the tents

تـﮔلــه  الـكـاتـبـك يـحـسـيــن... مـن هـالـنـاس ﭽـا ويـنـه
Where are the people who wrote to you O' Hussainb - she restlessly asked
يـﮔل لـهـا يـمـاي الـعـيـــن... كـلـهـا انـﮔلـبـت اعـلـيـنـه
O' the light of my eyes, all of them betrayed us - he disappointingly answered her

تـﮔل لــه حــمــل اضــعــونـك ... او سـدر لـلـوطـن بـيـنـه
Gather your caravan, and take us back to the homeland...she asked him
يـﮔل لـهـا مـا يـخـلوني...أسدر بعد بضعوني...نيتهم يـﭽتلونـــــــي
They will never let me, take our family back to our homeland, their intention is to kill us - he informs her
ولابـد  مـا تـشـوفـيـنــــــي ... او شـيـبـي يـﮔطـر امـن الدم
I do not want you to see me, when blood is dripping from my beard

والأكــبــر عــالأرض مـطـروح ... يـخـتـي عـيـونـج اتـشـوفـه
And al-Akbar laying on the ground, O' sister what will your eyes witness!
او جــاسـم عـالـثـرى مـرمــــي ... ابـدال الـعـرس والـحـوفـه
As Qassim is thrown upon the battlefield, instead of being dressed in his wedding garments
وأخـوج اعـلـى الـنـهـر نـايــــم... ويـمـه امـﮔطـعـه اﭽفـوفـه
And your brother in slumber by the riverbank, as he lays beside his decapitated palms
او يـمـه رايـتـه او جـوده...او عـيـنـه ابسهم ممروده...بطل حيلي على ازنوده
With his banner and his horse around him, and his eyes wounded with an arrow - surely now my back is broken with his loss
لـو  شـفـتـيـهـن ابكتـــــــــــره ... او جسمه اعلى الثره امخذم
Only if you saw the enemies in numbers, surrounding his corpse cut into pieces

يـخـتـي او سـهـم الـمـثـلـــث... ابـدلالـي تـشـوفـيـنـــــه
O' Sister, what about the three headed arrow, what shall I say?
او عــبــدالله الــطـفـل يـخـتـي... ابـدم نـحـره امـطـوقـيـنـه
Abdullah the infant O' Sister, it pierced his neck and flowed his blood
او لــو شــفــتـي الـشـمـر يـمـي ... ابـعـدي او لا تـحـاﭽيـنـه
But O' Sister, if you saw Shimr on me, turn back and do not engage him
تره هو يـﮔطع ابنحـــري...او يتربع على
صــــدري...يزينب عايني او صبري
As he will slaughter my neck, when he sits upon my chest - O' Zainab handle this and remain patient
لــمــن يــحــكــم الــبــاري ... او هــوه ابـحـالـنـا أرحـم
Until the Almighty judges between us, as He is the Most Merciful to us
پارسال در تاریخ 1402/01/06 منتشر شده است.
163,262 بـار بازدید شده
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