Apiculture (Bee Keeping) |biology short ppt notes,ug pg notes,11th2th notes

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1 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - Apiculture (Bee Keeping) What we
Apiculture (Bee Keeping)
What we are going to learn
What is Apiculture (Bee Keeping)
Historical background
Economic Importance
Indian Species of Honey Bee
Honey Bee Colony
Life history of honey bee
Method of Apiculture (types)
What is Apiculture (Bee Keeping)
 Apiculture is the scientific rearing of honey bee for the commercial production of honey and other bee products like wax, pollen, bee venom and royal jelly. It is also called Bee keeping.
Bee keepers are known as Apiarist and place were bees are maintained is called an Apiary  
Historical background
Before man learned to manufacture sugar , he used to sweeten his dishes from honey only.
Thus honey bee has been associated with man from historic days and reached the highest degree of domestication.
Economic importance
Bee wax: Bee wax is the natural by-product secreted by the wax glands of worker bee to construct the combs of bee hive. It is widely used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. It is used for making candles, water proofing materials, polishes for floors, furniture, appliances, leather and taps.
Bee Venom: Bee venom is a colourless, acidic liquid. Bees excrete it through their stingers into a target when they sting. It contains both anti-inflammatory and inflammatory compounds, including enzymes, sugars, minerals, and amino acids. Bee venom is used for treating rheumatoid arthritis, nerve pain, multiple sclerosis etc.
Royal jelly: is a secretion produced by the hypopharyngeal glands of nurse bees that is used in the nutrition of larvae as well as adult queen. Royal jelly is used in the treatment of asthma and also as a dietary supplement.
Indian Species of Honey Bee
Honey bee colony (Social organization)
Honey bees are social insects.
They live in colonies and show division of labour.
The nest of honey bee is known as the bee hive.
In a colony there is normally one queen, 10,000 to 30,000 workers and few hundred drones (male bees)
The drone is the functional male member of the colony which develops from an unfertilized egg.
It lives in a chamber called drone cell.
Drones totally depend on workers for honey.
The sole duty of the drone is to fertilize the virgin queen hence called “King of the colony”.
Queen Bee
Queen bee is a fertile female present in each hive and feeds on Royal Jelly.
They are formed from fertilized eggs.
The queen bee mates only once in her life.
A unique flight called “nuptial flight” takes place by the queen bee followed by several drones.
The sole function of queen is to lay eggs.
In a life span of two to four years, a queen bee lays about 15 lakh eggs.
When the queen bee loses its capacity to lay eggs, another worker bee larva is fed with Royal Jelly and thus develops into a new queen.
Worker Bees
They are sterile female bees developed from the fertilized eggs.
They are the smallest and are present in large members in the colony.
Their function is to collect honey, look after the young ones, clean the comb, defend the hive and maintain the temperature of the bee hive.
Worker bee lives in a chamber called ‘Worker Cell’ and it takes about 21 days to develop from the egg to adult and its lifespan is about six weeks.
Each worker has to perform different types of work in her life time. During the first half of her life, she becomes a nurse bee attending to indoor duties such as secretion of royal jelly, prepares bee-bread to feed the larvae, feeds the queen, takes care of the queen and drones, secretes bees wax, builds combs, cleans and fans the bee hive.
Then she becomes a soldier and guards the bee hive. In the second half her life lasting for three weeks, she functions like a forager to collect the pollen, nectar, propolis and water.
Structure of Bee Comb
The comb of the bees is formed mainly by the secretion of the wax glands present in the abdomen of the worker bee.
A comb is a vertical sheet of wax with double layer of hexagonal cells.
The cells of the comb are of various types.
The storage cells contain honey and pollen. They are built in the margin and at the top of the comb.
The brood cells contain the young stages of the honey bees and they are built in the centre and the lower part of the comb.
The brood chamber is divided into three types Worker chamber, Drone chamber and Queen chamber where the larvae developing into worker, drone and queen are reared.
Life history
Method of Apiculture
Bee keeping is a scientific method of keeping A. cerana or A. mellifera bees for the production of honey and other useful bee products.
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/09/24 منتشر شده است.
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