Naive Realism

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7 بار بازدید - 4 ماه پیش - Naive realism is a cognitive
Naive realism is a cognitive bias or perceptual phenomenon where individuals believe that their perception of reality is objective and accurate, and they assume that others perceive the world in the same way. In other words, people tend to believe that their own subjective experiences and interpretations of events are an accurate reflection of reality, and they may struggle to recognize or appreciate alternative perspectives or interpretations. Naive realism can manifest in various ways: Assumption of Objective Reality: Individuals may assume that their own perceptions, beliefs, and interpretations of events reflect an objective reality that is universally true for everyone. They may fail to recognize that perception is subjective and influenced by factors such as personal experiences, biases, and cultural backgrounds. Limited Awareness of Bias: Naive realists may be unaware of the biases and cognitive filters that shape their perception and interpretation of information. They may believe that they are seeing things "as they really are" without realizing the influence of preconceptions or expectations. Difficulty Understanding Others' Perspectives: Naive realists may struggle to understand or empathize with perspectives that differ from their own. They may attribute differences in perception to ignorance, irrationality, or bias on the part of others, rather than acknowledging the validity of alternative viewpoints. Tendency to Overgeneralize: Naive realists may overgeneralize their own experiences and assumptions to others, assuming that everyone else sees the world in the same way they do. This can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and lack of appreciation for diversity of thought. Naive realism can have implications for interpersonal relationships, communication, and decision-making. It can contribute to misunderstandings, conflict, and polarization, as individuals may be unwilling or unable to consider alternative perspectives or engage in constructive dialogue with others who hold different views. To overcome naive realism, individuals can cultivate awareness of their own biases and limitations, practice empathy and perspective-taking, and actively seek out diverse perspectives and information. By recognizing the subjective nature of perception and being open to alternative viewpoints, individuals can foster greater understanding, empathy, and collaboration in their interactions with others.
4 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1403/03/06 منتشر شده است.
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