Law of Attraction - What is Law of Attraction and How it Works - How To Manifest Anything

Engineering Made Easy
Engineering Made Easy
39.8 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - This video explains the Law
This video explains the Law of Attraction. The science behind the law of attraction has been explained here. You can manifest anything in your life using the law of attraction. After watching the video you will understand how the law of attraction actually works. I am sure, after watching this video you will start to believe in it. First of all you need to know, what is the law of attraction? According to the law of attraction, our thoughts have the potential to manifest in our life. In other words we can say, we start to attract or achieve those things or people in our life that we focus on. So now let's understand the hidden science behind the Law of attraction. Look around yourself and see all the artificial things created by humans or may be by some other living creatures. All the artificial things that you are seeing in physical form now, were once first created in the mind, then it manifested in the physical form. So thoughts have the power to manifest. Actually there are infinite possible ways to get whatever you want in your life right here, right now. You are surrounded with infinite number of possibilities to achieve your goal. But your mind is not programmed to see these possibilities and opportunities. So first you need to program your subconscious mind to notice different possible paths that lead to your goal. Let me explain, how our brain functioning is responsible for the Law of Attraction. Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a bundle of nerves at our brainstem. It has the capability to filter out unnecessary information so that we can focus more on the important information and it all happens automatically without our notice. This filter is created on the basis of parameters given by you and these parameters are highly influenced by your belief system. You see and analyze the world according to this filter created by you. But how it helps in getting what you want and what is its role in the law of attraction? Paths were also there to reach your goal but they were not visible to you until your RAS created a filter. This is how the RAS system is responsible for the Law of attraction. Now I will explain you another science behind the law of attraction. Let's understand it with an example. You know, how we tune the radio to a desired frequency. All that you want to listen on radio is already present around you but you cannot listen it without tuning the radio to a particular frequency. The tuner selects desired frequencies while rejecting other frequencies. In the same way our body works. Do you know that everything in this universe is in constant vibrational state. Nothing is at rest. Similarly our body also vibrates at a particular frequency. Not only this, there is a specific frequency associated with different emotions. You can see it in this emotional frequency chart. There is love, fear and every emotion around us but what we see or feel, all depends on, at what frequency we are vibrating in the present moment. It's nothing but the law of attraction. You attract things as per your mindset. Your brain will neglect other things and will find the world similar to its present mental state. Nothing is absolute right or wrong, good or bad. It's all the game of mind. This is what the law of attraction says, if you think positively, you notice and attract positive things in your life, which results in the positive situations. But when you start to think in a negative way, negative things are attracted towards you which lead to negative situations and negative outcomes. So thoughts have the potential to manifest itself. What you think you are- you are. If you think you can or you cannot, you are right in both ways. Now we know that we see and attract things in our life according to what we think or believe. We see the world through the filter that is created by the Reticular Activating System (RAS). So it is very important to understand how to create an efficient filter as per our needs that can help us in attracting what we want in life. So now I will explain how to use the law of attraction correctly in our life, so that it can produce the desired effects. In the same way, if we want to achieve anything in our life then first we need to make a clear and vivid picture of that goal. We need to see and feel that goal as if, we have already achieved it. Suppose your dream is to get gold medal in Olympics. Then you need to visualize, how would you feel after getting the gold medal. In your visualization, see the people cheering for you, hear their shouts, see the happy faces of your loved ones and feel the proud moment for you, your family and the whole country. When you visualize this type of clear image in your mind, then the Reticular Activating System (RAS) stores it as a very important file in your brain. And a very efficient filter is created. Now the RAS starts to search the outside world for all the possible ways and information to change this stored image into reality.
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/09/05 منتشر شده است.
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