(恭喜發財)(初一凌晨快車)🇭🇰 城巴 CTB N- #2305 KN1182 @ 77S 筲箕灣 至 田灣 (下層展望)

Anthony Hong
Anthony Hong
12 هزار بار بازدید - 6 سال پیش - #年初一凌晨車
#年初一凌晨車 #特別服務 #恭喜發財 #歐三支援 #機場白衫
*本影片提供站名及途經街名提示服務。 This video provides bus stop and road display services.*
**跳過路線介紹和車輛特寫: 由00:54 開始觀看。Travelling scene starts at 00:54 **
77S基本上就是深夜行走的77號線。不過似乎時間尚早,頭班車客量不算太多。而這批#23XX 亦面臨提早退休的危機……
Happy Chinese New Year! At midnight of the 1st day of Lunar New Year, riding the first bus of route 77S Shau Kei Wan departure, serviced by an Airport bus inspector, I enjoyed a pleasant ride of Euro III ALX500 Dennis Trident. This bus type was once NWFB #12XX, after being transferred to Citybus, they were commonly seen at HK Shenzhen Port route B-series, then servicing in Southern district like route 70 and 90. This night #2305 provided service on route 77S, a bus route that would only effect on the Midnight of the 1st day of Lunar New Year. The inspector was driving quite fast, letting passengers could get back home earlier.
Obviously, the 50km/h speed limit in midtown is a humiliation to the midnight bus route. I saw the bus could climb up to 60+ km/h on hill road at Yiu Tong and Kornhill, but the GPS speed limit alert was so annoying that lowering the intention of riding the bus.
Basically, 77S is the midnight version of route 77. However, it seemed that the timing was a bit early and have few passengers. This bus type is facing early retirement too…

Bus: CTB N- #2305 KN1182 @ 77S (Alexander Dennis Trident ALX500 Euro III Voith DIWA864.3E 12M) (Ex. NWFB #1204)
Bus First Reg. Date: 3/5/2002
Bus Retried Date: 14/4/2019
Film Date: Monday 5/2/2019 00:30-01:17
Route: CTB 77S 筲箕灣 至 田灣 Shau Kei Wan to Tin Wan
Bus Fare: HKD 11.3
Total Travel Distance: 15.9km

實際行車抵站時間 Actual Bus stop arrival time
(總行車時間 Journey Time: 43分鐘 mins)
00:30 1.筲箕灣 Shau Kei Wan
00:32 2.海灣華庭 Marina Lodge
00:33 3.新成街 Sun Sing Street
00:34 4.筲箕灣廣場 Shaukeiwan Plaza
00:34 5.東盛苑 Tung Shing Court
00:35 6.耀東商場 Yiu Tung Shopping Centre
00:36 7.耀東邨耀華樓 Yiu Wah House, Yiu Tung Estate
00:36 8.東熹苑景熹閣 King Hei House, Tung Hei Court
00:37 9.興東邨 Hing Tung Estate
00:38 10.太寧街 Tai Ning Street
00:39 11.太康樓 Tai Hong House
00:40 12.鯉景灣、東區法院大樓 Lei King Wan, Eastern Law Court Building
00:40 13.港島民生書院 Munsang College (Hong Kong Island)
00:42 14.太祥街 Tai Cheong Street
00:43 15.康怡廣場 Kornhill Plaza
00:44 16.寶峰園 Bo Fung Gardens
00:44 17.鰂魚涌街 Quarry Bay Street
00:45 18.太古坊 Tai Koo Place
00:46 19.民新街 Mansion Street
00:46 20.模範邨 Model Housing Estate
00:47 21.健康村 Healthy Village
00:47 22.健威花園 Healthy Gardens
00:48 23.琴行街 Kam Hong Street
*行車抵站時間資料實屬Anthony Hong所有,請尊重版權,引用時請註明出處。* *Such bus stop arrival time data belongs to Anthony Hong, please respect intellectual property rights, indicate the source.*
00:49 24.美麗閣 Mary Court
00:50 25.新時代廣場 New Trend Plaza
00:53 26.清風街 Ching Fung Street
00:56 27.香港中央圖書館、維多利亞公園 HK Central Library, Victoria Park
01:01 28.希慎廣場、崇光百貨、銅鑼灣站 Hysan Place, Sogo Department Store, Causeway Bay Station
01:04 29.堅拿道巴士專用線 Canal Road bus only road
01:05 30.跑馬地馬場 Happy Valley Racecourse
(01:06 Route1 黃泥涌峽天橋 Wong Nai Chung Gap Flyover)
(01:06 香港仔隧道 Aberdeen Tunnel)
01:08 31.香港仔隧道收費廣場、海洋公園、葛量洪醫院、港怡醫院Aberdeen Tunnel Toll Plaza, Ocean Park, Grantham Hospital, Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital
01:09 32.黃竹坑遊樂場、香港仔運動場、如心南灣海景酒店 Wong Chuk Hang Recreation Ground, Aberdeen Sports Ground, L'hotel Island South
01:10 33.南朗山道 Nam Long Shan Road
01:11 34.勝利工廠大廈 Victory Factory Building
01:12 35.逸港居、香港仔網球及壁球中心 Ocean Court, Aberdeen Tennis & Squash Centre
01:12 36.香港仔海濱公園 Aberdeen Promenade
01:13 37.香港仔魚類批發市場 Aberdeen Wholesale Fish Market
01:16 38.明愛張奧偉國際賓館 Caritas Oswald Cheung International House
01:17 39.田灣邨 Tin Wan Estate

00:00 片頭介紹 Intro
00:54 筲箕灣巴士總站 Shau Kei Wan Bus Terminus
01:17 南安里 Nam On Lane
01:50 筲箕灣道 Shau Kei Wan Road
03:08 新成街 Sun Sing Street
03:21 耀興道 Yiu Hing Road
07:33 惠亨街 Wai Hang Street
07:48 太樂街 Tai Lok Street
08:22 太康街 Tai Hong Street
09:10 鯉景道 Lei King Road
09:31 太安街 Tai On Street
10:29 筲箕灣道 Shau Kei Wan Road
10:56 英皇道 King's Road
11:13 康山道 Kornhill Road
11:41 英皇道 King's Road
19:26 高士威道 Causeway Road
21:08 禮頓道 Leighton Road
21:13 伊榮街 Irving Street
21:43 邊寧頓街 Pennington Street
21:51 怡和街 Yee Wo Street
22:22 軒尼詩道 Hennessy Road
23:55 堅拿道巴士專用綫 Canal Road bus only road
24:46 堅拿道東 Canal Road East
24:56 黃泥涌道 Wong Nai Chung Road
25:44 黃泥涌峽天橋 Wong Nai Chung Gap Flyover
26:04 香港仔隧道 Aberdeen Tunnel
27:54 香港仔隧道收費廣場 Aberdeen Tunnel Toll Plaza
28:15 黃竹坑道 Wong Chuk Hang Road
31:56 香港仔海傍道 Aberdeen Praya Road
34:19 田灣山道天橋 Tin Wan Hill Road Flyover
34:43 田灣山道 Tin Wan Hill Road
35:05 石排灣道 Shek Pei Wan Road
35:26 田灣街 Tin Wan Street
36:13 田灣邨公共運輸交匯處 Tin Wan Estate Public Transport Interchange

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6 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/11/16 منتشر شده است.
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