Autocad 3D Glass Table bangla video tutorial | autocad bangla tutorial | autocad tutorial

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14.6 هزار بار بازدید - 7 سال پیش - Welcome to autocad bangla 3d
Welcome to autocad bangla 3d video tutorial. This autocad bangla tutorial
is very easy for architecture and civil and others.
This autocad bangla tutorial about autocad 3d table.
Autocad 3d table details -
table line length 5 feet,
autocad 3d table width 4 feet.
both side half round and autocad circle radius is 2 feet.
autocad 3d table frame offset is 6 inch,and 3d table height 2.5 feet.
I assign autocad material glass mataterial and wooden materials.
also use autocad floor wooden material, and used autocad web light
and autocad web light intensity is 10.
make autocad surface and region it and create 2 wall both side.
this is autocad onlie bangla course, try this autocad online tutorial
and be an perfect auocader.
thank you autocad bangla tutorial and learn autocad 3d modeling and boost your career. Autocad 3d table modeling
7 سال پیش در تاریخ 1396/10/06 منتشر شده است.
14,679 بـار بازدید شده
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