Pediatric Dentistry Procedure - Stainless Steel Crown with Dr. Ana

Zyris Isolite
Zyris Isolite
29 هزار بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - Dr. Ana Vazquez shares her
Dr. Ana Vazquez shares her experience with and why she chooses to use the Isolite 3 in her pediatric dental practice.


My name is Dr Vazquez. I am a pediatric dentist in fishers, Indiana. Today, we're going to be treating an eight year old with the medical history consisting of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity.

The patient has some work that needs to be done in all quadrants, which includes stainless steel crowns. For some of you that do treat children all the time, you know that children can be extremely unpredictable.

This patient is going to be treated with a conscious sedation. With the conscious sedation it is extremely important that we protect our airway. That's one of the main reasons that I use the, Isolite.

Not only because I am protecting that airway, but also it makes me be more efficient since I can be working on two quadrants at the same time. We're going to be working on the right side. We're going to be doing one stainless steel crown.

I will use the Isolite just because once again, I don't want anything to go into the airway that this patient can either swallow it or even worse, aspirate.
5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/11/10 منتشر شده است.
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