A Knife in the Dark -The Fellowship of the Ring

Middle-Earth Marvels
Middle-Earth Marvels
81.8 هزار بار بازدید - 7 سال پیش - Strider and the hobbits walk
Strider and the hobbits walk over the top of the hills, arriving at the ruins of a temple, on top of a hill STRIDER: This was the great watch tower of Amon Sul (he turns to look at the hobbits) We shall rest here tonight. They reach the watch tower. The hobbits drop their bags and sit down. Strider looks out over the plains below. STRIDER: (bends down and unwraps some small swords and hands them out to the hobbits) These are for you. Keep them close, I'm going to have a look round (the hobbits unsheath their swords and look at them) Stay here (he leaves) Frodo is asleep. He is woken by the others talking. MERRY: My tomato's burst! PIPPIN: Can I have some bacon? MERRY: OK. Want a tomato Sam ? FRODO: (sitting up in panic) What are you doing ? MERRY: (sitting around a campfire pointing at it) Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon Frodo scrambles to his feet SAM: (holding out a plate) Saved some for you Mr Frodo FRODO: Put it out you fools! (he stamps on the fire) Put it out! PIPPIN: Well that's nice! That's nice! Ash on my tomatoes! From the fields below, the fire is seen and as it is put out, the screeches of the Nazgul are heard. Frodo looks down over the edge. The see four Nazgul striding towards the Watch Tower. Frodo draws his sword FRODO: Go! They run up to the top of the tower and stand in the middle of the circle of pillars back to back, looking around frantically. Suddenly Frodo stops and looks between two pillars. A Nazgul slowly advances between them. Frodo looks horrified. The Nazgul draws his sword and holds it before its face. Five Nazgul now walks slowly towards the hobbits, swords held in front of them. As they get closer they hold their swords out pointed towards the group of hobbits who are walking backwards. SAM: Backl you Devils! (he takes a swipe at one of the Nazgul with his sword, who swipes back at him knocking him back into a rock. The other hobbits grouped together) A Nazgul reaches forward and throws Merry and Pippin aside. Frodo looks shocked, drops his sword and turns to run, fatlling as he does. He gropes in his pocket for the Ring. It whispers to him in Black Speech. The Witch King hears the Ring and walking towards Frodo draws his sword. Frodo scrambles backwards until he is against a rock. The other Nazgul group behind the Witch King. Frodo terrified puts on the Ring and disappears just as the Witch King is about to stab him with his sword. He sees the whispy, ghostly shapes of the Nazgul, their skeletal faces wearing crowns upon their heads. The Witch King reaches out for the Ring, which is glowing. Frodo's hand is drawn to the hand of the Witch King. At the last moment he pulls it away. The Witch King stabs Frodo in the shoulder reaching out his hand again. He pauses as he hears someone shout. Strider arrives with a burning torch and waves it around the Nazgul scaring them away from Frodo. Frodo, groaning with pain, removes the Ring. SAM: (scrambles towards Frodo) Frodo! Strider continues to fight off the Nazgul who are screeching, with torch and sword. FRODO: Oh Sam! Strider sets light to the clothing of the Nazgul with his torch, scaring them away from the Watch Tower, whilst all the hobbits huddle around Frodo. From behind him, Strider senses the last Nazgul and throws a burning torch into its face. It runs away. Frodo is still moaning with pain SAM: Strider! (Strider runs over) Help him Strider! STRIDER: (picks up a broken sword on the ground) He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade. (It suddenly burns up and disappears into ash. Strider drops it) This is beyond my skill to heal. He needs elvish medicine (he picks Frodo up and carries him away) They run through woodland, hearing the screeches of the Nazgul behind them STRIDER: Hurry! SAM: It's six days from Rivendell! He'll never make it! STRIDER: (Frodo is mumbling on Strider's shoulder as he is carried) Frodo Frodo FRODO VOICE: GANDALF!
7 سال پیش در تاریخ 1396/11/03 منتشر شده است.
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