The Mystery of Neutrino Oscillations | The Solar Neutrino Problem

For the Love of Physics
For the Love of Physics
23.9 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - Solar Neutrino Problem-
Solar Neutrino Problem-01:16 | Neutrino Oscillations-06:43

Neutrinos are very elusive particles. One of the biggest sources of neutrinos is our Sun that creates electron neutrinos due to the thermonuclear reactions happening at its core. However, when scientists tried to detect these particles they found that the experimentally measured flux of such particles is much less than what is theoretically predicted. This was a puzzle than remained from 1960s to 2000s. This is called the solar neutrino problem.

One explanation that was proposed was given by Bruno Pontecorvo that neutrino flavor can be defined as being the mixing of three mass eigen states. Three are three types of neutrinos - electron neutrino, muon neutrino, and tau neutrino. These are called the flavor of neutrinos. What Pontecoro et all suggested is that this flavor is the resultant of the mixing of quantum states that travel with slightly different velocities/frequencies. This provides a way for an electron neutrino to change into either a muon neutrino or tau neutrino as it propagates through space.

This is the idea of neutrino oscillation. The neutrino flavor oscillates as the neutrino travels through space. In this video I show a simple visualization that can help us understand this kind of neutrino oscillations !!

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Elementary Particle Physics
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/02/21 منتشر شده است.
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