Police Car Cartoon 20 MIN. Car race cartoon full movie. Police for kids Cartoon full episodes.

Smiling Robot
Smiling Robot
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Police Car Cartoon 20 MIN. Car race cartoon full movie. Police for kids Cartoon full episodes.

Hello! Today, we are going for an exciting journey in a balloon! I'll go up on it high into the sky in just a few minutes. Now let us know more details what about balloon. In another way, it is called "aerostat".
So, the biggest part of the balloon is its frame, it is mounted with burner, and just below the basket. The upper shell is sewn from a special thick fabric that can withstand wind.
Friends, do you know how the balloon rises into the air? I will tell you and show you. To make it clearer, let us take two little balloons for comparison - in the green, there is cold air and there is warm air in the pink. And compare which one is easier. You see - a balloon with warm air is easier. So to make balloon rise into the sky, you need first to heat the air inside the enclosure. The fire starts in burner, it heats the air in the balloon, and it rises.
I'm already in the basket, and going to check the burner right now. Working! The fire heats the air inside the balloon, and once it is heated to the desired temperature, the balloon will begin to rise slowly. A bit more! The balloon is rather big, and therefore a lot of cold air is inside - so we need long warming.
Wow! Look! Hooray! I'm in the air! And the balloon is gradually gaining height. When flying on a balloon the weather is very important. Today is clear weather, and there is no wind - perfect conditions to travel by air.
Guys! I'm flying over the city - and it is VERY interesting! I've never seen houses and streets of the city from such a height. At the bottom, everything looks very beautiful and unusual! I’m going a little higher - and houses and cars at the bottom decrease, become like toys.
Friends, today my journey in a balloon is over! For the first time it is enough! I loved flying, especially slow - when you can see everything below. Would you fly on a balloon?
I have prepared an unusual painting for you - you will be able to paint a balloon in your favorite colors. Ask your parents to print pictures, links to which are noticed in the description of a cartoon. And send me your drawings - I also want to look at the balloon you want to fly! E-mail address is noticed in the description to the cartoon. Your drawings I will show in the following cartoons! See you soon, friends! Bye Bye!I can’t believe what the traffic jam near Handy-Andy’s house – but we can’t see Handy-Andy himself. And his garage is closed. Do you have any ideas where he is? He is at home today, but why? – he is going to tell everything himself.
Handy-Andy.  Hi my friends! I’m at home today. As you can see I don’t feel good. But don’t worry – nothing serious, just some scratches and a broken hand - doctor put plaster. Yesterday I had a car accident. Here how it happened…..
Yesterday morning I was fixing the brakes on my monster-truck because I had agreed to race with my friend. And when I had just started to fix, my friend came! Can you hear the sound?! Guess who that is!
(AJ). Hi kids! My name’s AJ. And this is my monster-truck Blaze!
Handy-Andy. Hi AJ! Haven’t seen for ages! How are you?
(AJ).   Everything is all right Handy-Andy! You are right, I didn’t visit you for a long time……A lot of things to do in the garage…..
Handy-Andy. Are you ready for the race? BUUT why am I asking you……..for sure you are ready! Take a look – I have a new monster-truck here. Lets race!!!!! All right!!! READY? GOOOOOOO!
(AJ).  WOW!!!! What a motorway!!! Just exactly for our monster-trucks! Geat, there are so many hills – go up and down, up and down! Handy-Andy is so brave, agreed to race with me on so difficult motorway!
Handy-Andy. Hey! AJ! Hurry up! Chase me!
7 سال پیش در تاریخ 1396/11/06 منتشر شده است.
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