Hispanics are Now the Largest “Ethnicity” in the US... but are they Really?

318.9 هزار بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - According to the latest estimates
According to the latest estimates which will likely be corroborated by the United States Census of 2020, Hispanic Americans as a group have now surpassed Germans, Irish, English, Black Americans, Italians and all other ethnic groups in the USA to become the largest "ethnicity" in the country, but is this really accurate? I've discussed the racial, ethnic and genetic situation of Hispanics and Latinos many times over, and this video is dedicated to highlighting the cultural and racial diversity of Latin Americans and shatter the illusion that they are a homogeneous group, a stereotype perpetuated by Hollywood for generations now. It's time to stop treating Hispanic/Latin Americans as an ethnic/racial group, since it just doesn't make any sense. Thanks for watching! Masamap: https://www.reddit.com/r/Masastan/comments/fpz3lu/masamap_18_genetic_relationship_between_certain/ Sources: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/09/16/key-facts-about-u-s-hispanics/ https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/08/08/hispanic-women-no-longer-account-for-the-majority-of-immigrant-births-in-the-u-s/ https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t#none https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2014/06/vast-genetic-diversity-among-mexicans-found-in-large-scale-study.html
5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/01/08 منتشر شده است.
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