Symptoms Venous Insufficiency | Carolyn's success after Radiofrequency Ablation for her Legs veins

Texas Endovascular
Texas Endovascular
12.7 هزار بار بازدید - 8 سال پیش - The story of how Carolyn
The story of how Carolyn found Dr. Eric Hardee to finally help her get rid of years of leg pain, discoloration, swelling, and heaviness.  She never thought it was because of her veins until she was introduced to Texas Endovascular.

Symptoms of Venous Insufficiency:
1. Leg Heaviness
2. Restless Legs Syndrome
3. Leg Pain
4. Changes in color of the legs
5. Leg Swelling
6. Leg Fatigue
7. Overall Fatigue and tiredness at the end of the day

Texas Endovascular is a comprehensive vascular practice in Houston, TX that help people with various venous and arterial diseases.  It was started by Dr. William Fox and Dr. Eric Hardee, who are two fantastic interventional radiologists.

Locations in Texas: Houston, Katy, and Sugar Land

Fill out this form to get scheduled by Dr. Eric Hardee or Dr. William C. Fox!

Topics: Leg swelling causes, leg edema, noninvasive alternative to leg vein stripping surgery

everything I've ever done has been on my
feet I was a hairdresser then I did a
job where I was a vendor that went to
grocery stores worked on the concrete
floors and ordered certain things and
helped on reset when I go to get in the
car it was all I could do to lift my
legs to get in the car because they were
so heavy I thought a lot of the symptoms
that I had was probably just my age you
know because when we get older
unfortunately I'm finding out
we just don't move like we did when we
were 25 you have a slow onset of
symptoms and been going on for many many
the symptoms are very vague nonspecific
and the onset is so gradual they really
don't know what they are people come in
and say at the end of the day my legs
feel tired and heavy they describe leg
fatigue on their feet all day they will
say their legs are bother don't they
have cramps may have night cramps so
have pressure sensation some of the
later symptoms when patients start
having an inflammatory reaction will
have burning and itching some people
describe it as fire ants crawling on my
legs felt very heavy hard to live I also
had aching they used to ache they got
tired real fast and then at night if I
moved a certain way I would have leg
cramps by myself when I had this problem
before I was treated I had no symptoms
for a long period of time I knew I had
venous reflux but no symptoms at all but
there was a six-month time period I
started developing this pain burning in
my left foot and ankle and and if I
didn't have compression stockings on or
fit in my legs elevated it felt like
fire ants are crawling over anything and
biting my ankles constantly it is very
annoying and kind of thing that's always
there it just kind of makes you
miserable a feet and ankles work turning
and in dark period and I knew that
wasn't healthy and I didn't have this
good of feeling in my feet as I should
have some of the other symptoms people
described or restless leg syndrome
symptoms where people feel compelled to
move their legs they're trying to go to
sleep at night and all sudden they're
wiggling and their legs that can't sit
still they may not sleep at night
because of it or their significant other
may kick them off to the couch because
they're waking them up all night because
they keep moving their legs I just
decided that I had to find out why my
legs and feet were doing what they were
doing before there couldn't be anything
be done because I sure don't always when
people say why are you going to medicine
to help people it's not a it's not just
the story you're telling people it's
actually true you do this because they
need it and they really appreciate it
and you make a difference in their life
if somebody who has been unhappy for so
many many years and you you treat them
and you you saw this problem and it's
just it's amazing just when you see the
impact you make in their life it's great
the problems what I do I never walked
into any place that the whole office
full of helpers and as well as he were
just so nice and so accommodating and
very kind very kind when a patient comes
in and kind of tells you
how much of a difference you made in
their life it really it's what makes you
coming to work of it that it really does
if I get a little emotional about it
actually because it really it makes you
feel good if they said this is why I did
this he presented it in such a way that
I felt like he really cared about
helping me dr. hardy told me sit you're
not gonna lose you for it for this he
knew what he was talking about he was
honest he didn't promise me the moon he
didn't tell me all this is gonna be this
way or gonna be that way he just said I
know that this will help your problem
but it's far surpassed what I even had
any idea of I never had any idea it was
the veins he was very kind very gentle
and what I liked the most was he told me
he would walk me through it as he did
every time he was ready to stick the
needle or do whatever he was going to do
8 سال پیش در تاریخ 1395/07/13 منتشر شده است.
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