Muscular Development Magazine
Muscular Development Magazine
12 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - Q & A Legend
Q & A Legend

What's your opinion about using only Proviron for improving muscularity? What are the possible side effects, as it does not suppress the HPTA axis, lowers SHBG and does not aromatase? Is it a miracle drug without side effects and for how long can we use it? Could it be combined with DHEA 50 mg per day?

I heard Mk677 makes you insulin insensitive over time and causes you to hold more water. Is that true? I am looking to take some nightly just for better repair/healing and maybe improved fat loss. Is it worth it, and if so how much should I take?

I’m taking Winstrol along with Sustanon. I heard you say you would put Winstrol in your delts with an insulin syringe. Is 1/2 inch big enough? Can I put 1/2 cc in? (50units). Do I need to aspirate? I’m 6ft 205lb  Also, why does it lump up in my muscle? I get why oil does, but I figured water based drugs would level out easier. I take a shot,  and 24 hours later i have a lump that goes away 48-72 hours after injection.

I have questions about equipoise. I will be running 1000mg of equipoise with some tren and TRT. You say equipoise does not convert to estrogen, is that correct? And is it toxic to the kidneys? I’ve heard conflicting information. I should add that I don’t like deca, it messes with my ability to “finish.” (inorgasmia)

What would be an optimal dosage of Deca for Joint Health without holding too much water retention? I was thinking around 150mg a week?

What is your opinion on recomp cycles utilizing HRT doses of test and 12.5 mg Anadrol daily with a caloric deficit? When I go for low digits body fat even in HRT, I have low blood pressure and therefore I lose strength. I am thinking about alternating between lean bulking with test + dht derivatives and cutting with anadrol and test? In that way I would never have problems with blood pressure and preserve my kidneys.

Is it ok to run Anavar during TRT after a blast? Will your androgen receptors reset? I like to use Anavar during TRT. It helps my stay leaner.

How do I make my calves grow?

I am 20 years old I started using gear at 19 just 500mg test E per week, for two months and two weeks. I recovered fairly fast (pct only Nolvadex 40mg), only side effects were acne on forehead( a lot, never had acne there btw, and still fighting it with accutane) So after a month I jumped on a new cycle 500mg test Cyp and 600mg Deca and tried to hit it off for the first two weeks with dbol 40 mg, but didn’t get to the second week anyway, plus for any other young fellas out there, JUST DONT USE DBOL, got gyno on one side in the 4th or 5th day of Dbol, then the lockdown happened and I stopped everything instantly so the second cycle went only for 10-12 days, in which I exploded for some reason, crazy pumps. Now I got crazy hair loss and it’s not genetic at all, sex drive is zero and literally having forced intercourse, didn’t want to use cialis to see if I am recovering from cycle), It’s 10 days since my last shot. I am on Nolvadex 40mg (not sure is legit, Indian pharmacy) gonna use it for a week more then switch to clomid for 2 weeks good quality straight from Greek pharmacy, and thinking to shoot 4 shots of HCG around 700IU each shot, one every other day (from Greek pharmacy as well).  What’s the best way to improve steadily and safely with gear in the long run without risking huge side effects like infertility at least before 35 years old? What’s a good way to prevent hair loss and how can I get rid of acne ( only have it on forehead ), very bad lots of small spots, started getting actual pimples in my first week of accutane 100mg per day, I am a 20years old male 1.83m height and right now around 93 killos 17% body fat I would say ( can see all abs).

I’m a 52-year-old bodybuilder. I have started TRT 16 months ago with test depot at 2 ml every 2 weeks. After listening to you guys, I changed to 1 ml every week. But after 8 months I started having problems with my hematocrit.563 and my hemoglobin to 190, and my red blood cell to 6.1, free test is 4.3 and oestradiol is 60. I have normal blood pressure and the rest of my blood test is perfect. My libido is far from perfect and my balls have shrunk and almost nothing comes out when I ejaculate. Keep in mind that I live in Canada and I had skin cancer a long time ago, so I can’t give blood to make my hematocrit go down. Can you help me please? I’m doing my TRT with a registered doc.

Can 600mg of EQ TOTAL a week give off Tren-like symptoms? My bloodwork and EKG came back fine in a recent checkup. No issues with breathing. I just have some left inner pec pain. Hurts when I touch it, but it feels worse after injecting 300mg EQ (twice a week). I started 600mg a week on week 5. I probably just strained my left inner pec doing DB Decline Flyes, but was wondering about the Tren comparison.

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