Olivia Ruffin
Olivia Ruffin
32.6 هزار بار بازدید - 6 سال پیش - HEY! MORE Q+A BELOW! ******************
HEY! MORE Q+A BELOW! ****************** Here are some more questions I didn't answer in the video: 1. How do I make friends if I didn't go to Summer Swarm? For those of you who may not know, Summer Swarm is basically a week in the summer where future freshmen go to essentially pay for friends. I went, it was a total blast, but here's the thing! I am only sort of friends with one girl from all the people I met then, I lost touch with everyone else. Sure it was a nice pre-preorienation, but as far as friend making, it wasn't the best way to go about it. Try to connect with people in your classes, The Hive, on the busses, seriously anywhere. The best part of freshman year is that everyone is in the same boat, all looking for friends, feeling just as awkward as you are! Don't be afraid to reach out to people and also DON'T fear friendships that come and go, because they will. Like I said, I'm only really friends with one girl from Swarm, and from freshman year? Hardly anyone. Friends come and go, don't worry, you'll find your people it just takes time! :-) 2. What's the best way to get around Savannah? Walking is easy, bussing is easier (you can take the bus to a bunch of academic buildings and then walk to other destinations from there), but biking is easiest. I highly recommend getting a bike. Don't be afraid of Savannah drivers! They're old and slow, just wear a helmet! 3. Where is it safe in Savannah to explore? Okay well first of all... don't be dumb. Don't walk alone at night, travel in packs (esp. girls) ((i'm rolling my eyes too, but it's true)) Don't walk through Yamacraw Village at night (google maps it) and don't walk past 38th or Broad St. Downtown is safe, Forsyth is safe (daylight hours) and around other academic buildings are typically safe (not really Montgomery Hall though) 4. Is it true that upperclassmen don't like freshmen? Only when you act entitled like you run the place. But don't listen to them, just prove that you ARE passionate about your work, stay active in the community and show that you're not just another snobby rich kid who shops at Civvies and thinks that makes you the sh*t 5. What if I have terrible roommates?! Okay first off, you're not alone, I did too and most people will have at least some kind of problems. Tbh my favorite thing is scrolling through instagram following y'all seeing a pic of you and your future roomie saying "omg can't wait to live w my bestie! Love you!" like okay good luck, that's not goiNg tO LAST! It's true sadly, living with strangers brings out the worst :') As far as any advice on that, just make sure you establish a safe space for yourself outside of the dorm. Somewhere you can go to have time alone if things go south. Don't get super attached to your roommates, if you ARE friends that's great! Just make sure to branch out and make other friends too, having support from a whole other group is SO important, I cannot stress this enough y'all. 6. What is the key to foundation classes? STOP WORRYING ABOUT THEM! Yes they can be a lot of work. Yes even if you are crap at drawing you will have to draw, but to be completely honest, all of the professors grade you on YOUR skill, they don't compare you to the Van Goghs of the class (even though it sucks having classes w them, just ignore it, they were born with some weird drawing genes, don't worry about it, they're weird) Your professors will judge you based off of your personal improvement, the fact that you actually SHOW progress and growth and effort. Just TRY and you will succeed. And be nice to your teachers. That helps too. 7. Am I going to die? Only if you purposefully jump in front of a SCAD bus, but only die halfway, then SCAD will pay for your tuition :) 8. How do you hang anything on the walls if you can't leave marks? Use thumbtacks, nails, tape, and just hope they don't notice. COMMAND STRIPS WILL TAKE PAINT OFF, so it's a lose lose, hopefully they'll just mistake your side of the room for your roommates side and she'll get charged, not you. 9. When should I move off campus? Most people move off junior year, it will feel like most move sophomore year, but actually the majority of people don't move off until junior year. Warning: when moving you will lose 30% of scholarships, so do the math first, decide if it's worth it. Most students live south of Fortyth park before 40th st. 10. Any move in tips? I know you will be eager to move in right away, but my best tip would be to wait until the latest moment you can, NO ONE WILL BE THERE! You will be able to move in with ease and minimum move in traffic. Seriously y'all it's so much better. ***************** Those are all my tips for ya! Let me know if this video was helpful and anything else you want to see! ***************** FOLLOW ME!
6 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/06/09 منتشر شده است.
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