LLE Talks: Laser illumination in classical and super-resolution multicolor microscopy

Laserlab Europe
Laserlab Europe
88 بار بازدید - هفته قبل - The Laserlab-Europe Talk “Laser illumination
The Laserlab-Europe Talk “Laser illumination in classical and super-resolution multicolor microscopy" by Adrien Mau (Abbelight, France) was held on 25 September 2024. Microscopy is the art of observation of the infinitely small. However, one cannot observe an object without collecting light from it, and thus first sending light at it. We will present how laser illumination coupled to smart optomechanical devices improved the traditional sample illumination methods. Notably, our company Abbelight has pushed ASTER, a strategy which delivers homogeneous and versatile illumination via fast control of laser positions. This will be applied to the principle of fluorescence microscopy, which allows to image specific biological structures. Moreover, specific properties of light propagation can be used to perform optical sectioning, such as oblique imaging and TIRF. Finally, the high power of lasers coupled with the adaptability of ASTER can be used in Single Molecule Localization Microscopy, an innovative field that can yield resolutions down to tens of nanometer but typically require high laser power (2kW/cm²). By coupling a variety of strategies and making best use of our laser light, we can perform super resolution imaging on wide fields of view, with 3D modalities and for up to three different biological structures. Abbelight is partner of the EIC Transition project nanoSCAN. The project aims to transform tissue analysis with a novel 3D spatial biology platform that provides crucial insights into cellular and tissue functions. -- The Laserlab-Europe Talks consist of a series of online seminars and panel discussions proposed and organised by our community on specific topics (thematic or research-specific) and provide a platform for regular information exchange and knowledge sharing. The talks take place on a Wednesday afternoon each month and are open to all interested parties, from PhD students to experts in the field and industrial and medical partners as appropriate. For more information: www.laserlab-europe.eu/events... -- Links: nanoSCAN project: nanoscan-project.eu Laserlab-Europe: www.laserlab-europe.eu
هفته قبل در تاریخ 1403/07/09 منتشر شده است.
88 بـار بازدید شده
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