How to Send an Email or Text Message in C# with Unity

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15.4 هزار بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - In this video, I'll show
In this video, I'll show you how to send emails and text messages in your c# app with unity. You can do this on mobile or on PC with the exact same code. See below for referenced code. using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.Net; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Net.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class EmailFactory : MonoBehaviour { public InputField bodyMessage; public InputField recipientEmail; public void SendEmail() { MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient(""); SmtpServer.Timeout = 10000; SmtpServer.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; SmtpServer.UseDefaultCredentials = false; SmtpServer.Port = 587; mail.From = new MailAddress("[email protected]"); mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(recipientEmail.text)); mail.Subject = "Test Email through C Sharp App"; mail.Body = bodyMessage.text; SmtpServer.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "MyPasswordGoesHere") as ICredentialsByHost; SmtpServer.EnableSsl = true; ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate (object s, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true; }; mail.DeliveryNotificationOptions = DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure; SmtpServer.Send(mail); } public void SendText(string phoneNumber) { MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient(""); SmtpServer.Timeout = 10000; SmtpServer.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; SmtpServer.UseDefaultCredentials = false; mail.From = new MailAddress("[email protected]"); mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(phoneNumber + ""));//See carrier destinations below //message.To.Add(new MailAddress("[email protected]")); mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(phoneNumber + "")); mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(phoneNumber + "")); mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(phoneNumber + "")); mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(phoneNumber + "")); mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(phoneNumber + "")); mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(phoneNumber + "")); mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(phoneNumber + "")); mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(phoneNumber + "")); mail.Subject = "Subject"; mail.Body = ""; SmtpServer.Port = 587; SmtpServer.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "MyPasswordGoesHere") as ICredentialsByHost; SmtpServer.EnableSsl = true; ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate (object s, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true; }; mail.DeliveryNotificationOptions = DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure; SmtpServer.Send(mail); } }
5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/08/15 منتشر شده است.
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