Installing MRJob, Python, Nano in Hadoop cluster to run our first MapReduce job! | Hadoop Tutorial

8 هزار بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - This lecture is all about
This lecture is all about installing MRJob, Python, Nano in our Hadoop cluster to run our first MapReduce job in our HDP Sandbox. I'm assuming you are using Hadoop 2.6.5 version; if not, I have also provided the required commands for Hadoop 2.5 as well.


Installing mrjob on HDP 2.6.5 (be sure to "su root" first, as shown in the video.)

yum-config-manager --save --setopt=HDP-SOLR-2.6-100.skip_if_unavailable=true
yum install
yum install python-pip
pip install pathlib
pip install mrjob==0.7.4
pip install PyYAML==5.4.1
yum install nano

Installing mrjob on HDP 2.5

yum install scl-utils
yum install centos-release-scl
yum install python27
scl enable python27 bash

Now, you should be able to run
pip install google-api-python-client==1.6.4

If you are still facing the issues, feel free to comment below and I'll try to solve your issues as soon as possible.

In the previous lecture we have seen Understanding MapReduce in Hadoop where we have seen What is MapReduce and how it works. MapReduce is a processing layer of Hadoop which uses parallel computation of your Big Data files stored in HDFS and perform Mapper and Reducer functions created by the user as per the business requirement.

Want to know more about Big Data? then checkout the full course  dedicated to Big Data fundamentals: Big Data Full Course

HDP Sandbox Installation links:

Oracle VM Virtualbox:

HDP Sandbox link:

HDP Sandbox installation guide:


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This tutorial is made for professionals who are willing to learn the basics of Big Data Analytics using Hadoop Ecosystem and become a Hadoop Developer. Software Professionals, Analytics Professionals, and ETL developers are the key beneficiaries of this course.


Before you start proceeding with this course, I am assuming that you have some basic knowledge to Core Java, database concepts, and any of the Linux operating system flavors.


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AmpCode provides you e-learning platform with a mission of making education accessible to every student. AmpCode will provide you tutorials, full courses of some of the best technologies in the world today.By subscribing to this channel, you will never miss out on high quality videos on trending topics  in the areas of Big Data & Hadoop, DevOps, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Angular, Data Science, Apache Spark, Python, Selenium, Tableau, AWS , Digital Marketing and many more.

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2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/01/10 منتشر شده است.
8,062 بـار بازدید شده
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