How to Uninstall Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant? (2023 Updated)

68.1 هزار بار بازدید - 8 سال پیش - Task: Uninstall Windows 10 Upgrade
Task: Uninstall Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant
Info: This vid's goal is to help uninstall Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant cleanly. TRY this best uninstall tool@ if you're having trouble doing so on your own.

i. There are a few ways to uninstall the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant. Here are a few methods:

* *Use the built-in uninstaller.* The Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant can be uninstalled using the built-in uninstaller. To do this, open the Control Panel and go to Programs and Features. Under the "Programs and Features" list, scroll down and select "Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant." Click on "Uninstall" and follow the on-screen instructions.
* *Use a third-party uninstaller.* There are a number of third-party uninstallers available that can be used to uninstall the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant.

Those tools can be used to uninstall the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant and other unwanted programs from your computer.

* *Delete the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant files manually.* The Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant files can be deleted manually from your computer. To do this, open File Explorer and navigate to the following folder:


In this folder, you will find a number of files and folders related to the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant. Delete all of these files and folders.

* *Run the DISM command.* The DISM command can be used to uninstall the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant. To do this, open Command Prompt as an administrator and type the following command:

DISM /Online /Remove-Package /PackageName:PackageName

Replace "PackageName" with the name of the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant package.

* *Use a Windows 10 ISO file.* If you have a Windows 10 ISO file, you can use it to uninstall the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant. To do this, mount the ISO file and run the setup.exe file. In the setup wizard, select "Uninstall Windows 10" and follow the on-screen instructions.

Once you have uninstalled the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant, you can restart your computer.

ii. here is a bat file (beta) that you can use to force uninstall the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant:

@echo off

rem This bat file will force uninstall the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant.

rem Get the name of the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant package.
set PackageName=Windows10UpgradeAssistant_2002.1802.722.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe

rem Uninstall the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant.
rem /Online: Installs or uninstalls the package on the local computer or a remote computer.
rem /Remove-Package: Removes the specified package.
rem /PackageName: The name of the package to remove.

dism /Online /Remove-Package /PackageName:%PackageName%

rem Restart the computer.
shutdown /r /t 0

Save this bat file as "uninstall-windows10upgradeassistant.bat". To use the bat file, open a command prompt and navigate to the folder where you saved the bat file. Then, type the following command:


The bat file will uninstall the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant and restart your computer.

iii. here is a batch file (beta) that you can use to disable the Windows 10 Upgrade on unsupported devices:

@echo off

rem This batch file will disable the Windows 10 Upgrade on unsupported devices.

rem Get the current Windows version.
rem VER: Displays the version of Windows.
rem /V: Displays the version and service pack number.
rem /ALL: Displays all information about the version of Windows.
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('ver /v /all ^| find /i "version"') do (
   set "WindowsVersion=%%i"

rem Check if the current Windows version is supported.
rem The following versions of Windows are supported:
rem * Windows 7 Service Pack 1
rem * Windows 8.1
rem * Windows 10
rem If the current Windows version is not supported, the Windows 10 Upgrade will be disabled.
if not "%WindowsVersion%"=="Windows 7 Service Pack 1" (
   if not "%WindowsVersion%"=="Windows 8.1" (
       if not "%WindowsVersion%"=="Windows 10" (
           rem Disable the Windows 10 Upgrade.
           reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /v "DisableOSUpgrade" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
           rem Restart the computer.
           shutdown /r /t 0

Save this batch file as "disable-windows10upgrade.bat". To use the batch file, open a command prompt and navigate to the folder where you saved the batch file. Then, type the following command:


The batch file will disable the Windows 10 Upgrade and restart your computer.
8 سال پیش در تاریخ 1395/11/24 منتشر شده است.
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