How to Prepress in Adobe InDesign

11.3 هزار بار بازدید - 13 سال پیش - How to Prepress in Adobe
How to Prepress in Adobe InDesign with Markzware FlightCheck!

An excellent article in Print & Paper Monthly explained why Markzware's FlightCheck and Adobe's Live Preflighting within Adobe InDesign, should be used, together, in the same preflight workflow. You can read this "Inflight, preflight, and postflight" article online at:

Learn more about FlightCheck, the stand-alone application to ensure output quality for Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Acrobat, QuarkXPress, PDF, and many other file formats:

[Start of Transcript]
Today's how-to: How to Prepress in Adobe InDesign. I'm David Dilling, for Markzware, here, to show you a few tips on prepress in Adobe InDesign. And, over here on Amazon, we do a search for prepress InDesign and we'll see numerous books, including one which I haven't personally checked out myself, but you know Pariah Burke is well respected in the industry, and it's pretty affordable, as well. Mastering InDesign CS5 for Print Design and Production, and there are more books, as well.

So, FlightCheck will see the Adobe Illustrator file is used within the layout. We also see the actual image that you just saw was placed, in that Adobe Illustrator file. And we get a preview, and it can show us any fonts used in that.

So, now, the next part is Let's collect the job, so we get all the fonts and images that are used, within this InDesign layout, including the Illustrator native file, with placed images, within that itself, and its fonts. Let's collect that entire job, with FlightCheck. All these files...

It gives you tips and tricks on... if it's portable, most of the time it is, and what the potential problems are: for instance, loss of compression, JPEG encoding, etc. These are all things which FlightCheck can help you check automatically, either individually, or in the TIFF or EPS file, or once placed within InDesign.

The beauty of FlightCheck is it's a stand-alone process. So, you don't need to fumble around, inside an interface, and try to find out how to check for it. You just drop the file on FlightCheck and it will tell you if your InDesign file is ready for prepress use or not. Very handy to use on all incoming files, really. Just drop any incoming file or graphic right on FlightCheck. It will tell you.

Very important prepress details for printed works: your margin area, your page area, the bleed, and the slug area. There are really so many tips and tricks to do, with InDesign and for prepress. So, our recommendation, just like a good tennis player doesn't necessarily have to be told what to do, during the match, he or she will correct their play and their practice, outside of the match, and that is what FlightCheck does, as a stand-alone application. It allows you, outside of InDesign, to quickly ascertain what the problems may be.

FlightCheck is a stand-alone application. You can see a whole demonstration video, here, on the webpage. FlightCheck is [much] more than fifteen years on the market, as the de-facto standard of preflighting, your way to prepress InDesign files. David from Markzware, signing off.
[End of Transcript]

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How to Prepress in Adobe InDesign
13 سال پیش در تاریخ 1390/08/27 منتشر شده است.
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