"Astrology" (Ask Me About Truth #51 With Swami Kriyananda)

Ananda Sangha Worldwide
Ananda Sangha Worldwide
14.8 هزار بار بازدید - 10 سال پیش - The Universe Is God's ConsciousnessSwami
The Universe Is God's Consciousness

Swami Kriyananda succinctly sheds light on a subject that has intrigued mankind for eons, namely astrology. He explains that the entire universe is God's consciousness, which is governed by laws. Everything is conscious and connected.
Since everything is tied together, there are influences, and some of these come to us from stars. It doesn't infer, however, that we need to be slavishly a prey to them, though, since the wise tell us there is truth to it, it behooves us to listen to them.
An easy horoscope is not a challenging one and doesn't make you strong. Swami Kriyananda has authored a book called Your Sun Sign Is a Spiritual Guide.
There is an inner astrology and an outer astrology. Higher influences from God inspire us to become strong, pliable, and kindly.

Free Will to Choose God or Turn Away

Kriyananda states that we don't have free will. The only free will we have is the decision to either go towards God or turn away from Him. Yoga as a science can help to evolve us but cannot change us in itself. Through our efforts, it helps for God's grace to come in. We are a battleground and we have to strive to side with higher forces instead of the lower. So astrology is a helpful science as long we don't take it passively.
The chakras correspond with the planets. But this study should not be undertaken by everybody. It can make people judgmental and therefore it's easy to misunderstand the science.

Western and Indian Astrology Have Different Strengths

Western astrology is better for understanding character, whilst Indian astrology is better for life predictions. It's helpful as a tool for self-study.
The astrological bangle advised by Sri Yukteswar is recommended also by Kriyananda, who has been wearing it for decades. He feels a certain power of protection from it.

A True Teacher Helps Us toward Perfection

In summary, the universe is our body, with center everywhere and circumference nowhere. In order for us to get to the center of, say, a vast field of ice, we need to go through at one point, which in this case is our ego. It's not easy, which is why it takes several lifetimes.
On this journey it's only a true teacher who can help us. A false one may end up getting us stuck deeper in delusion. It takes time to find perfection, the ultimate goal.

In 1948 at the age of twenty-two, Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters) became a disciple of the Indian yoga master, Paramhansa Yogananda. Yogananda is best known for his spiritual classic, *Autobiography of a Yogi*.

At Yogananda’s request, Swami Kriyananda devoted his life to lecturing and writing, helping others to experience the living presence of God within. He taught on four continents in seven languages over the course of 65 years. His talks, his music, and his many books have touched the lives of millions. An advocate of simple living and high thinking, his more than 150 books emphasize the need to live wisely by one’s own experience of life, and not by abstract theories or dogmas. A composer since 1964, Walters has written over 400 musical works. His music is inspiring, soothing, and uplifting.

He taught meditation to thousands and has initiated many into the life changing technique of Kriya Yoga.  His books and teachings on spiritualizing nearly every field of human endeavor include business life, leadership, education, the arts, community, and science. He wrote extensive commentaries on the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita, both based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. He is known as the “father of the intentional communities movement,” which began in the United States in the late 1960s, fulfilling Yogananda's dream.

Find out more at https://www.swamikriyananda.org/
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10 سال پیش در تاریخ 1393/05/24 منتشر شده است.
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