Ironclad Ab Training – A Complete Workout Program

Testosterone Nation
Testosterone Nation
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When it comes to abs, diet goes a long way. But if you want visible abs that stay visible even at a higher body fat percentage, you need to build stronger, more muscular abdominals.

Some lifters don't train their abs like other muscles groups, then wonder why they're not seeing results. You don't need 1,000 crunches per day. And like any other muscle, you can't just throw in a random exercise at the end of a workout and hope to get results. What you need is ironclad ab training that hits the three core components of muscular hypertrophy:

• High-tension
• Metabolic stress
• Muscular damage

These five ab exercises that get the job done.

Eric Bach
Narrated by Dani Shugart

00:00 Ironclad Ab Training – A Complete Workout Program
00:16 Hollow Body Hold
00:32 Toes to Bar (Controlled Eccentric)
00:51 Regression - Hanging Leg Raise
01:05 Kneeling Ab Wheel Rollout (Anti-Extension)
01:23 Progression -Standing Ab Wheel Rollout
01:34 Suitcase Carry (Anti-Lateral Flexion)
01:47 Progression – Suitcase Deadlift
02:08 Dragon Flag (Anti-Rotation)

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2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/12/03 منتشر شده است.
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