Prayer to Banish Mind Control Demons (Deliverance)

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Prayer to Banish Mind Control Demons (Deliverance).
My dear Almighty Father, I humbly approach Your throne of grace. In the precious name of my Lord Jesus, imploring Your boundless protection, and liberation. Because You are my sanctuary, my unwavering strength, and my formidable shield. So, I petition for Your mighty hand to cover me, as I resist the malevolent forces of darkness, seeking to distort my thoughts, feelings, and emotions. You have granted me freedom through Your Divine Word, and I declare boldly, that no weapon forged against me shall stand.

Your Sacred Word in 2 Timothy 1:7 proclaims; "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” Thus, in my Lord Jesus name, I renounce, and expel every malevolent spirit, attempting to govern my mind, and emotions. My Lord of Hosts, I claim the soundness of mind, You have graciously bestowed upon me, and I plead for the indwelling of Your Almighty Holy Spirit, to flood my thoughts with your boundless peace, and clarity. May every mental stronghold of confusion, fear, and manipulation be obliterated by Your omnipotence power, in my Lord Jesus name.

I decree your Holy Word in Corinthians 10:3-4; "Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare, are not of the flesh, but are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.” Therefore, By the  matchless power of Jesus Christ name, and His Divine Holy Redeeming Blood, I tear down every stronghold of mind control, and manipulation. I claim the liberty that is mine in Christ Jesus. I captivate every thought, bringing it into submission to Christ.  Standing resolutely in the freedom He has granted me.

Malignant spirits of mind control, I speak directly to you, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, my Lord. You hold no dominion over me. I bind you, and expel you, in the mighty authority of Jesus' name. As it is written in Matthew 18:18; ”Whatsoever you bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven.”, So, I bind every dark force, endeavoring to seize control of my mind, and thoughts. You are rendered powerless, and you must depart now, by the authority of Jesus Christ, and his divine holy blood.

I rebuke you, spirits of manipulation and disarray. You shall no longer torment my mind, for I have been set free by the precious blood of the Lamb. You are banished in Jesus name, and you shall not return to me, nor send any more demonic forces. I declare a divine holy hedge around my mind, and body, and you shall find no entry point. I now raise the shield of faith, and the fiery arrows of the wicked one shall not penetrate, in Jesus name.

In the powerful mighty name of Jesus Christ, I sever and destroy every demonic influence, power, and chain, and close every door, or medium you have been using to access my life, and I seal them with Jesus divine holy blood. I command you to flee, and never return. You are eternally expelled from my mind, thoughts, and life. You are prohibited from returning, whether through deceit or force. I cover myself with the precious blood of Jesus, and I declare His divine blood as my defense and shield. My beloved Lord, please send your holy angels, to make sure all evil influence have left my life. Dear Almighty Holy Spirit of God, I beg you to please enter my mind, and thoughts, I invite You to dwell in my body, and make it your temple, making you Holy will be done in my life, in my Lord Jesus name.

Almighty Father, I thank You for my deliverance. I am free, for where Your Almighty Holy Spirit dwells, there is liberty. I ask, that You continually guard my heart, and mind in Christ Jesus. Let Your Holy Word dwell richly within me, renewing my mind daily. I give You all the glory, honor, and praise for my freedom, and the victory that is mine through Christ. In the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I pray. Amen.

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🏅🏆  All praises are for our Father God, our Lord Jesus & the Holy Spirit
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