李聖傑 Sam Lee【手放開】Official Music Video

34.3 میلیون بار بازدید - 13 سال پیش - Hands off. Lyrics : Fong
Hands off. Lyrics : Fong Composer : Fang Wenliang Arranging : Antunes 我把自己關起來 只留下一個陽台 I locked myself up. Leaving only a balcony. 每當天黑推開窗戶 我對著夜幕發呆 Every time I open the window when the sky goes dark, I stare at the night sky blankly 看著往事一幕一幕  Look at the past scene by scene 再次演出你我的愛 To broadcast our love Again 我把電視機打開 聽著別人的對白 I turned on the TV. Listen to other people's dialogue  也許那些故事可以給我一個交代 Maybe those stories could give me an explanation. 你要的愛我學不來 The love you want is that I'm never able to learn   眼睜睜看情變壞 The only I can do is Watch our Love Go Bad   人怔怔看情感慨 People seem to see emotional fluctuations in love 不能給你未來我還你現在  I can't give you the future, so I give you now 安靜結束也是另一種對待 Quiet end is also another treat 當眼淚流下來 傷已超載 When the tears are streaming down, the wound is overloaded  分開也是另一種明白 Apart is another way to understand 我給你最後的疼愛 是 手放開 The last love I give you is let your hands go 不要一張雙人床中間隔著一片海 I don't want to sleep on a double bed with you, but separated by sea. 感情的污點就留給時間慢慢漂白 leave the stain of emotion to be bleached by time 把愛收進胸前左邊口袋 Put love in the left pocket in front of the chest 最後的疼愛 是 手放開 The last love is to let go  不想用言語拉扯所以選擇不責怪 Don't want to argue with words so choose not to blame 感情就像候車月台 有人走 有人來 Love is like waiting for the train platform, Someone's gone, Someone came 我的心是一個站牌 My heart is a station  寫著 等待 Write waiting 我把收音機打開 聽著別人的失敗 I'll turn on the radio. Listen to the failure of others  哽咽的聲音彷彿訴說著相同悲哀 The voice of sobs seemed to tell the same sorrow 你的依賴 還在胸懷 Your dependence feels still in front of my chest  我無法輕易推開 我無法隨便走開 I can't push it easy, I can't go away 感情中專心的人容易被傷害 A man who concentrates in love is apt to be hurt.
13 سال پیش در تاریخ 1391/01/18 منتشر شده است.
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