Joseph Murphy - How To Use Prayer And Affirmations. The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind. Master Key.

Spiritual Mind
Spiritual Mind
294.5 هزار بار بازدید - 7 سال پیش - This video excerpt features a
This video excerpt features a talk by Joseph Murphy discussing the power of prayer and affirmations. Joseph emphasizes that prayers and affirmations are not meant to change God or the divine, as God remains constant. Instead, their purpose is to align one's own mindset with the timeless truths and principles that have always existed.

He asserts that people should recognize the inherent qualities of God, such as love, peace, and harmony, dwelling within them. They encourage viewers to claim these qualities in their lives, not by changing external conditions, but by transforming their own thoughts and beliefs.

The core message conveyed is that individuals can tap into the universal source of supply and abundance by focusing on the eternal principles and aligning their minds with these truths. By repeating affirmations and believing in their inherent wealth and prosperity, one can manifest positive changes in their lives.

Murphy also emphasizes the importance of bold and sincere affirmations, stressing that one's subconscious mind accepts and acts upon the beliefs that are consistently repeated. By shifting the focus from debts and limitations to abundance and prosperity, individuals can harness the power of their deeper mind to attract wealth and success.

Overall, the video encourages a mindset shift from lack and limitation to abundance and prosperity by understanding and aligning with the timeless and universal principles of life.


"As a person thinks, feels, and believes, so is the condition of his or her mind, body, and circumstances."

"The most wonderful thing to know is this: Imagine the end desired and feel its reality; then the infinite life principle will respond to your conscious choice and your conscious request. This is the meaning of believe you have received, and you shall receive."

– Joseph Murphy


Video edit & Transcription: Spiritual Mind

💜Email: [email protected]

The Master Key To Wealth Book
written by Joseph Murphy.

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7 سال پیش در تاریخ 1396/08/25 منتشر شده است.
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