God's Big Picture #1: The Perfect Creation (Genesis 1-2) Learn the Bible's Whole Story

64.2 هزار بار بازدید - 7 سال پیش - God's people, in God's place,
God's people, in God's place, under his rule and blessing- that's how it all starts... The God's Big Picture Bible overview course traces the story of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation to see how it all fits together, telling of God's wonderful plan to save the world through Jesus Christ. Each of the 9 units consists of a 10 minute video followed by hour long Bible study which you could do in a group at church or by yourself at home. Download free printables for this unit (talk outline and Bible study) www.clayton.tv/GBP/Unit%201%20God's%20Big%20Pictur… The entire course is free to download at clayton.tv/big or www.clayton.tv/GBP/God's%20Big%20Picture%20-%20All… UNIT 1: THE PATTERN OF THE KINGDOM The Bible isn't just a random collection of books but one connected story and it is vital to understand it in that context. This first video explains that the Bible has one author: God, one subject: Jesus Christ and one overarching theme: God's plan to save the world through his son Jesus Christ. We begin to look at this unfolding story in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, which sets up the pattern of God's kingdom that we will trace through the rest of the units. We see that in God's perfect created order, God's People, Adam and Eve, live in God's Place, the Garden of Eden, and enjoy his Rule and Blessing. In this creation the relationships between God & man, man & woman and mankind & creation are perfect, just as they were supposed to be. But it doesn't last long... Watch more programmes at our main site www.clayton.tv/ and subscribe above!
7 سال پیش در تاریخ 1396/04/27 منتشر شده است.
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