魔雪奇緣世界 盛大慶典 The Spectacular Celebration of World of Frozen | 香港迪士尼樂園 Hong Kong Disneyland

香港迪士尼樂園 | Hong Kong Disneyland
香港迪士尼樂園 | Hong Kong Disneyland
44 هزار بار بازدید - 8 ماه پیش - 多謝大家嘅參與,魔雪奇緣世界盛大慶典已經圓滿結束!為咗歡迎大家嘅來臨,阿德爾皇家歌詠團特意為今日嘅慶典帶嚟一系列嘅《魔雪奇緣》主題組曲,引領典禮嘅開始!安娜女王同愛莎亦現身慶典,愛莎仲為大家施展冰雪魔法,召喚小白現身,將盛典嘅氣氛推到最高!最後更有驚喜無人機燈光表演,為呢個大日子畫上完美句號。即刻一齊重溫慶典,感受當中嘅熱鬧盛況!Thank you all for joining

Thank you all for joining us in the Spectacular Celebration of World of Frozen, which has now come to a magnificent close! To welcome everyone with open arms, the Royal Arendellian Troubadours graced the ceremony with a beautiful medley of "Frozen" songs, setting the stage for a remarkable event! Queen Anna and Elsa made a dazzling appearance, with Elsa casting her ice magic and summoning the beloved Olaf in a delightful moment that brought the enchanting atmosphere to new peaks ! The final highlight of the day was a mesmerizing drone performance, providing a perfect conclusion to this historic day. ✨ Let's relive this extraordinary celebration and feel the excitement that filled the air!

#LetItGo #WorldofFrozen #HKDisneyland #魔雪奇緣世界 #香港迪士尼樂園
8 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/08/25 منتشر شده است.
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