Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

29.8 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - #SacredHeartOfJesus
#SacredHeartOfJesus #SacredHeartPrayers
Feast Day: 19 days after Pentecost (Friday)

Most Sacred, most loving Heart of Jesus,
You are concealed in the Holy Eucharist,
And You beat for us still.
Now, as then, You say: “With desire I have desired.”
I worship You with all my best love and awe,
With fervent affection,
With my most subdued, most resolved will.
For a while You take up Your abode within me.
O make my heart beat with Your Heart!
Purify it of all that is earthly,
All that is proud and sensual,
All that is hard and cruel,
Of all perversity,
Of all disorder,
Of all deadness.
So fill it with You,
That neither the events of the day,
Nor the circumstances of the time,
May have the power to ruffle it;
But that in Your love and Your fear,
It may have peace.

Act of Consecration by
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

I give and consecrate to the Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, my whole life, all my actions, my trials, my sufferings, devoting every portion of my being to loving, honoring, and glorifying Him, to working for His live alone, renouncing with all my heart whatever may be displeasing to Him.

I take Thee, then, O Sacred Heart, for the one object of my live, the Protector of my life, the Pledge of my salvation, the Remedy of my inconstancy, the redeemer of all my faults, and my sure refuge in the hour of death.

O Heart of all goodness, be my justification before God the father, and shield me from the effects of His just anger. O Heart, overflowing with love, I place all my confidence in Thee, for I dread my own weakness, while I hope everything from thy bounty.

Do Thou destroy in me whatever may displease Thee or withstand Thy will, and may the pure love of Thee be so deeply imprinted in my heart that I may never forget thee nor be separated from Thee, and I implore Thee by all thy love that my name may be graven upon thee. May it be all my happiness to live and die as Thy slave. Amen.

Daily Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
O sacred heart of Jesus, mercifully accept the prayer which I now make to you for help in the moment of my death, when at its approach all my senses shall fail me.

When, therefore, O kind and merciful Jesus, my weary and downcast eyes can no longer look up to you, be mindful of the loving gaze which I now turn to you, and have mercy on me, a sinner.

When my parched lips can no longer kiss your most sacred wounds, remember that hour those kisses which I now imprint on you, and have mercy on me, a sinner.

When my cold hands can no longer embrace your cross, forget not the affection with which I embrace it now, and have mercy upon me, a sinner.  When my swollen and lifeless tongue can no longer speak, remember that I called upon you now, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, to you I commend my soul.

O sacred heart of Jesus, filled with infinite love, broken by my ingratitude and pierced by my many sins and yet loving you still, accept this act of consecration that I make to you of all that I am and all that I have.  Take every faculty of my soul and body, draw me day by day near and nearer to your sacred heart, and there, as I can bear the lesson, teach me your blessed way.

O sacred heart of Jesus, incarnate son of God, Who for our salvation did vouchsafe to be born in a stable, to pass your life in poverty, trials, and misery, and to die amid the sufferings of the cross, I entreat you, in the hour of my death to say to your divine father, "Father forgive him"; Say to my soul, "This day you to shall be with Me in Paradise." My God, my God forsake me not in that hour.  "I thirst"--truly, my God, my soul thirsts after you, who are the fountain of living waters.  My life passes like a shadow; yet a little while and all will be consummated. Wherefore, my adorable savior, from this moment, and for all eternity, "into Your hands I commend my spirit."  Lord Jesus, receive my soul.

O queen of the holy rosary and most kind and loving mother of perpetual help, in memory of your seven sorrows, intercede for us with your divine son and beg him, in honor of his precious blood and sacred passion and death upon the cross, to forgive our sins and grant us the grace of a holy and happy death.

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