4 هزار بار بازدید - 8 ماه پیش - Embark on a 27-year journey
Embark on a 27-year journey with Ariane 5, the rocket that stands as powerful as 10 Airbus A380s and as majestic as the Arc de Triomphe.

From launching vital supplies to the ISS, unraveling Earth's secrets, guiding our world with Galileo, to peering into the universe's past with WEBB – Ariane 5 has shaped our connection to space.

In numbers: 117 flights, supporting 30 nations, 945 tons airborne, and 239 satellites deployed. Experience heart-stopping liftoffs and view our planet from a unique vantage point.

Driven by Arianespace's goal of "Using space for a better life on Earth," Ariane 5 has been able to conquer space thanks to its tremendous reliability, boasting a 96% success rate.

Celebrate not just a rocket, but a legacy. Discover how Ariane 5 has transformed our world.
8 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/07/28 منتشر شده است.
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