Asia Pacific Judicial Training on Environment and Climate Law Adjudication

211 بار بازدید - 8 ماه پیش - Highlights of Asia Pacific Judicial
Highlights of Asia Pacific Judicial Training on Environment and Climate Law Adjudication: Judges in a triple planetary crisis world

This 5-day advanced environmental judicial training programme taking place from 30 October to 4 November 2023 is a collaboration between the Indonesian Supreme Court, Indonesian Center for Environmental Law, and ClientEarth, supported by the United Nations Environment Programme. It brings together more than 70 judges from across Asia on global legal developments on environmental and climate matters. The organisations are honoured to collaborate and host this significant event, bringing together a diverse group of judges from the Asia Pacific to strengthen regional legal networks and promote a shared commitment to climate justice and the environmental rule of law.

The speakers are leading judges experienced in environmental adjudication such as Justice Antonio Benjamin of Brazil (environmental law luminary), Justice Ayesha Malik (the first female Supreme Court Judge of Pakistan), Justice Maria Filomena Singh (of the Philippines Supreme Court and Director for the Asia Pacific Region of the International Association of Women Judges), and Justice Nicola Pain, longest-serving judge of the Land and Environment Court, New South Wales  of the Appeal Court. A delegation of senior environmental judges from China will join and address the sessions. Winston Chow, Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group II, will also speak as part of a session on examining scientific evidence in climate cases. The participant judges represent countries in the ASEAN region including Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, Philippines, Laos, Thailand and Malaysia and the wider Asia region from China and India. Participants will benefit from the expertise of esteemed trainers and facilitators, including leading legal scholars, judges, and practitioners.

Topics covered will include biodiversity, climate litigation, climate science, and judicial tools and methodologies in environmental adjudication. There will also be prominent speakers from Indonesia - Judge Bambang Hery Mulyono, Chief of Judicial Research and Education Agency, Indonesia Supreme Court, Mas Achmad Santosa, Founder of Indonesian Center for Environmental Law, CEO of Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative, and Prof. Andri Gunawan Wibisana, Vice Dean, University of Indonesia.
8 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/08/18 منتشر شده است.
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