Battle of Ravi 1306 (Mongols invasion of India)

2 میلیون بار بازدید - 7 سال پیش - The Battle of Ravi (1306)
The Battle of Ravi (1306) was the fourth and last of a series of defeats suffered by Mongol armies against Delhi Sultanate that greatly reduced the Mongol threat to

northern India.
Mongol has raided Eurasian plains since the rise of Genghis Khan in 1206 CE who enventually sacked and occupy China (Jin Dynasty) and sacked both of its capital

Beijing in the north 1215 CE and Kaifeng in the south in 1233 CE. Mongols then moved both northwest and southwest. In the northwest, Mongols reach Russia and defeated

russian armny in 1237 CE. Mongols then enter Persia and sack Abassid capital Baghdad in 1258 CE.
Since 1222 CE, at the time of Genghis Khan himself, Mongols have been conducted massive invasion to Indian subcontinent, but consistently defeated by Delhi Sultanate

forces. After the breakup of unified Mongol Empire in 1259, Chagatai Khanate in central asia continue to conduct invasion to India. in 1305 the third of great mongol

invasion was again defeated by Delhi Sultanate forces.
In 1306 CE, Mongol-Chagatai Khanate once again invade India to avenge their loss in  1305 CE in the Battle of Amroha. Mongol contingent was split into three division,

one lead by Mongol general, Kopek.  The Sultan of Delhi, 'Ala ud-Din, appointed the victorious generals of 1305, Malik Kafur Hazardinarai and Ghazi Malik Ghiyas-ud-Din

Tughlug, to deal with this new threat. Delhi sultanate army under general Malik Kafur quickly move to Mongol position. Both forces met near Ravi river (present day

border between Pakistan and India). The Mongols were desperately short of water, and were forced to attack almost immediately.Fierce battle ensued between two forces.  

Mongol army defeated in the battle, many mongol soldier slainedby Delhi's army. Kabak was amongst the many prisoners taken, while only 3,000-4,000 of his original army

of 50,000-60,000 escaped. Kopek shared the fate of his predecessors, and was taken to Delhi to be crushed to death by elephants.
Although this defeat didn’t entirely end the Mongol threat to northern India it did reduce it to the level of small-scale raids. Delhi Sultanate successfully defend

India from Mongols at the height of Unified Mongol Empire. Something that is rare achieved during that time, other nation that successfuly defeat the mongol invasion

was Japan, Egypt, and Java. While other nations was sacked, occupied or submit to the various Mongol powers.

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7 سال پیش در تاریخ 1396/08/06 منتشر شده است.
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