
609 بار بازدید - 2 ماه پیش - 【盛山大臣がG7教育大臣会合(於:イタリア・トリエステ)に出席】 6月27日から29日、盛山大臣はイタリアのトリエステで開催されたG7教育大臣会合に出席しました。  今回のG7教育大臣会合は、「全ての個人の能力の価値向上支援」及び「革新的な教育と将来のための新たなコンピテンシー」をテーマに議論を行いました。 会議において、ウクライナの教育大臣からのビデオメッセージがあり、G7各国に対して、戦禍に苦しむ子供たちの教育の機会確保のための支援が求められ、今回の合意文書においても、ロシアのウクライナ侵略への非難と併せて支援の必要性が盛り込まれました。 










MEXT Minister MASAHITO Moriyama attended the G7 Education Ministers’ Meeting hosted by the Italian city of Trieste from June 27 to 29.

The meeting focused on the themes of providing support for “Valorizing everyone’s talents,” and ”Innovative education and fostering new competencies for the future”.

In a video message at the meeting, Ukraine’s Minister of Education called on G7 nations to provide support to ensure educational opportunities for war-torn children. In the G7 Education Ministers’ Declaration issued after the meeting, the need for such support was included, along with condemnation of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

Minister Moriyama introduced Japan’s efforts to advance workstyle reform in schools, utilizing digital technology in education and improving the educational environment. The minister had fruitful discussions on issues common among the G7 nations including securing high-quality teachers and using AI in education, and the specific measures implemented to address them.

Based on the meeting, the participants reaffirmed the need to respond to children in Ukraine, Africa, and in Japan, who do not have sufficient educational opportunities, and to address their diverse educational needs.

In conjunction with the G7 ministerial meeting, the Japanese delegation also met on the sidelines with Italy’s Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, and Canada’s Provincial Minister of Education of Manitoba, Nello Altomare.

In the bilateral meeting with Italian Minister Valditara, the heads exchanged views on ways to strengthen educational exchange between Japan and Italy.

In the bilateral meeting with Canadian Minister Altomare, the heads explained and exchanged views on how Japan is promoting the use of new technologies such as PC tablets, and generative AI in education.

Based on the results of these meetings, MEXT will further promote educational administration and work to strengthen relations with other nations.

#G7 #g7 #教育 #イタリア #大臣会合
2 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1403/04/26 منتشر شده است.
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