History of Kurds and Kurdistan - Every Year (Kürt ve Kürdistan Tarihi - Her Yıl)

24.7 هزار بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - References/Kaynakça1. ^ "Mede." Encyclopædia Britannica
1. ^ "Mede." Encyclopædia Britannica , 2008, Encyclopædia Britannica Online, 16 Ocak 2008.
2. ^ Andrew Dalby, Dictionary of Languages: the definitive reference to more than 400 languages, Columbia University Press, 2004, s.278.
3. ^ Gwendolyn Leick, Who's Who in the Ancient Near East, Routledge, 2001, s.192.
4. ^ D) Ian Shaw, Robert Jameson, A Dictionary of Archaeology, Blackwell Publishing, 1999.
5. ^ Sabatino Moscati, Face of the Ancient Orient, Courier Dover Publications, 2001, s.67.
6. ^ John Prevas, Xenophon's March: Into the Lair of the Persian Lion, Da Capo Press, 2002. s.20.
7. ^ I.M. Diakonoff, "Media" In Cambridge History of Iran (ed. William Bayne Fisher, Ilya Gershevitch), Volume 2. s.140 "Archaeological evidence for the religion of the Iranian-speaking Medes of the .."
8. ^ Amélie Kuhrt, "The Persian Empire, Sayı 1", Bölüm 2: Medes, Routledge, 2007, s.19: "The early history of the western Iranians (Medes and Persian) is a thorny problem..."
9. ^ John Curtis, British Museum, 2000, 2. baskı, s.34: "They were an Indo-European people who, like the related Persians, spoke an Iranian language".
10. ^ "Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture or EIEC, edited by J. P. Mallory and Douglas Q. Adams, 1997, Fitzroy Dearborn. s.30: "..and the Medes (Iranians of what is now north-west Iran).."
11. ^ Egon von Eickstadt, Türkler Kürtler İranlılar,sayfa 57
12. ^ Sumer King List ( ETCSL. The Sumerian King List. Accessed 19 Dec 2010.)
13. ^ Eller, Jack David. Kürt tarihi ve Kürt kimliği. sayfa 153
14. ^ -See, for example, J. D. Douglas & Merrill C. Tenney, 2011, Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary (3rd ed.), HarperCollins, p. 1897.
15. ^ a b Mehrdad İzady, Kürtler,Sayfa:90. 4.paragraf.Doz yayınları.
16. ^ Wadie Jwaideh, The Kurdish national movement : its origins and development , Syracuse Univ. Press, 2006, ISBN 081-563-093-X , s.12
17. ^ Izady, Mehrdad R.Kürtler Bir El Kitabı,Sayfa.94-95
18. ^ Hazel, J. (2002). Who's Who in the Roman World . Psychology Press. s. 13.
ISBN 9780415291620 . Erişim tarihi: 20 Şubat 2014.
19. ^ a b https://www.ancient.eu/Mitanni/
20. ^ Jacquetta Hawkes, The First Great Civilizations "Yet the Hurrians did not disappear from history. Away to the North in their Armenian homeland, they entrenched themselves and build up the kingdom of Urartu."; M. Chahin, The Kingdom of Armenia, "The new kingdom of Urartu, which proved to be the stronghold of the Hurrian race."
21. ^ Biçer, “ İslam Tarihi Kitaplarında Kürtler Hakkındaki Rivayetler”, sh. 78
22. ^ http://www.risaleajans.com/islam/kurt...
23. ^ Adnan Demircan, Kürtler (Toplum, Din ) s. 209
24. ^ http://m.risalehaber.com/kurtler-ve-i...
25. ^ Shaddadids, C.E. Bosworth, The Encyclopedia of Islam, Cilt 9, sayfa 170
26. ^ Seref Han Bitlisi, Serefname, Revvadi Kürtleri
27. ^ TDV, İslam Ansiklopedisi, cilt: 35, sayfa: 36
28. ^ https://books.google.fr/books?id=DoNS...
29. ^ Muhammed bin İbrahim bin Muhammed bin Ebil-Fevâris Abdülazîz El-Ensârî El-Hazrecî, Târihu Devleti l-Ekrâd, Miilet Genel (Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa) Kütüphanesi, No:695)
30. ^ Hakan Özoglu, Kurdish Notables and the Ottoman State: Evolving Identities, Competing Loyalties, and Shifting Boundaries, SUNY Press, 2004, ISBN 0791485560 , s. 46.
31. ^ A fourth pretender was Karim Khan, son of Aymak of the Zand, a section of Lak tribe , Sir Percy Molesworth Sykes, A History of Persi , Macmillan and co., limited, 1930, p. 277.
32. ^ One of the contenders for power was Karim Khan Zand, a member of the Lak tribe near Shiraz , William Marsden, Stephen Album, Marsden's Numismata orientalia illustrata , Attic Books, 1977,
ISBN 978-0-915018-16-1 , p. 158.
33. ^ Karim Khan, the founder of the Zand dynasty of Persia that succeeded the Afsharids, was himself born to a family of these Lak deportees (of the Zand tribe), Mehrdad R. Izady , The Kurds: A Concise Handbook , Taylor & Francis, 1992, ISBN 978-0-8448-1727-9 , p. 12.
34. ^ TDV, İslam Ansiklopedisi, cilt: 44, sayfa: 256
35. ^ Öztuna, Yılmaz, Devletler ve Hanedanlar, Cilt: I, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları, s. 750
5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/12/04 منتشر شده است.
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