MEG brain injury test proves brain injury Magnetoencephalography

1.1 هزار بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - Brain Injury Test that Works
Brain Injury Test that Works  MEG Magnetoencephalography
A functional Brain Injury test far superior to MRI

For more information about the MEG go to Amazon:  Magnetoencephalography, An Issue of Neuroimaging Clinics of North America (Volume 30-2) (The Clinics: Radiology, Volume 30-2)

00:00 MEG Magnetoencephalography
00:06 Brain Injury Statistics
00:33 Matt Powell Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer
00:56 MEG clearly shows brain injuries
01:00 MEG stands for Magnetoencephalography
01:20 MEG is a Functional Test that measures Brain Function
01:38 MEG is a non-invasive test that is objective
02:00 Magnetic waves given off by the brain are detected and measured
02:21 MEG accurately records measures and processes the brains function
02:38 MRI X-ray and CT brain imaging are static, and only show one moment in time
02:45 Static tests only show anatomy not brain function
02:50 MEG shows us how the brain is working
02:57 Head trauma can cause axonal brain damage and gray matter damage
03:15 Neurons give off electrical charges which give off a corresponding magnetic wave
03:30 MEG measures the magnetic waves given off by the synapse of the neurons
03:40 MEG creates a 3D model of our brain
04:00 MEG shows which areas of the brain are working to slow
04:22 MEG identifies brain cells which are in the sleep mode even though we are awake
04:50 Five types of brain waves
04:54 Gama Waves are the fastest brain waves 40 - 60 cycles per second
05:19 Beta brain Waves 12 - 40 cycles per second
05:36 Alpha brain Waves 8 - 12 cycles per second
05:48 Theta brain Waves 4 - 8 cycles per second
05:58 Delta brain waves 0 - 4 cycles per second which are deep deep sleep
06:09 A healthy brain operates all at the same speed or cycles per second
06:20 MEG collects all the brain wave activity but filters out the healthy waves and identifies all the slow or sleeping brain waves
06:40 The 3D accuracy of the MEG allows brain surgeons to pre-operatively map the brain and know which cells are not functioning
07:19 An example of an abnormal brain MEG
07:22 Injured Brain cells are yellow on the MEG test
07:30 Any brain cells operating at below 4 cycles per second are asleep, even though the patient is wide awake, this is how we know those brain cells are damaged
07:39 MEG is better than EEG because electrical energy is distorted by hair, skin, skull and blood
08:10 MEG uses magmatism which is not affected by human tissue
08:32 MEG is a standard clinical test following clinical guidelines
08:37 Data collected by the MEG cannot be manipulated
08:42 MEG is the most reliable brain function test in the world
08:48 18 years of research and clinical trials have proven MEG reliability
09:00 Comparison studies of normal and injured patients produce reliable results.
09:12 How reliable is the MEG
09:32 What are the False Positive and False Negative Rates of the MEG
09:58 The healthy control group without any brain injury have Zero False Positive findings
10:15 There is a small False Negative finding by the MEG to injured patients
10:20 MEG is the most accurate and reliable test for detecting brain injury
10:30 To learn more contact the University of California San Diego Health Radiology Laboratories

UCSD Radiology Imaging Laboratory:
Located at 3510 Dunhill St, San Diego, CA 92121

The cost of the MEG test is approximately $5,500.00

Pioneers in MEG are Dr. Roland R. Lee, M.D.  Professor and Director of MEG, MRI, and Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, University of California, San Diego, VA San Diego Healthcare system San Diego California

Dr. Mingxiong Huang, PhD, Professor and Co-Director of MEG, Department of Radiology, UCSD Radiology Imaging Lab, University of California, San Diego, VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego California

Any and all information is for educational or entertainment purposes only.  This is not legal advice, nor does it create any sort of attorney client relationship.  You are urged to seek competent legal advice from a lawyer who is a specialist in the area of law you need help with.
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/01/27 منتشر شده است.
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