Why is premarital counseling very important in today’s scenario? - Dr. Sulata Shenoy

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Doctors' Circle World's Largest Health Platform
5.5 هزار بار بازدید - 6 سال پیش - Congratulations, you have just chosen
Congratulations, you have just chosen your life partner and naturally you are very excited, happy and you are looking forward for the big day and a few thousands or few lakhs have been spent on celebrating this momentous event. But what about the life that you are going to lead later post wedding? Have you thought about it and made plans together how you are going together a s husband and wife? Research has shown that couples who invest in premarital counselling have more enduring marriages and their marriages are more successful than those who don’t go for premarital counselling. W e match horoscopes, we match our incomes, our ages, lifestyle but when the couple starts to live together then only they realize that personalities are worlds apart. So premarital counselling forts of all helps you to understand each others personality, you might say that you have been in love for so many years and known each other ever since this latch has been fixed and there is nothing more that w e have to know about each other’s personality. Believe living together can throw up a lot of interesting facets about yourself and your partner which you wouldn’t even have dreamed of. So it is important to visit a counsellor or a psychologist, have a personality assessment done of each so that you now what are the areas of similarity, what are the areas of difference. We need to look at marriage as a partnership. It is an equal partnership and there will certainly be areas where a person may be having different interest, habits, attitudes, for the partner and this should not be a cause of conflict later on. A lot of couples are surprised if there is a complete clash of cultures, food habits, of the ways you eat, sleep, what time to get up and all this will put up a lot of strain. So wouldn’t it make more sense to find out about your partner form a professional not only does it help you find out a lot about your partner, it could also pave the way for amicable resolution of conflicts, if and when they arise because when you live together certain things are bound to arise and certain issues will be created and these small issues can lead to a full blown argument or a conflict leading to the breakdown of the marriage itself. So to avoid that you may learn god conflict resolution strategies, how to cope with the daily stresses of living together, plan about finances plan about having children, plan about how much your extended family means to you and what are your social requirements , what are your habit and what you enjoy doing and once you sit down and talk about these things, things can work out better. So good luck on your married life. I am sure with some help from psychologist, your marriage is going to go very smoothly.
6 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/01/21 منتشر شده است.
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