Gyroplane/gyrocopter landing accidents & possible errors

Gyrocopter flying club
Gyrocopter flying club
543.9 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش -
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There is a consistent level of gyroplane take off and landing accidents which I’ve heard  many instructors say you can't prevent because “you can’t do much to stop people having brain fade”.  

I would agree where someone just simply does the wrong thing rather than what he/she has been taught.  Perhaps on take off a pilot fails to bring the stick back during the take off ground roll or hasn’t pre-rotated to a high enough value.  

I’ve given you some examples last month of the kind of snags that exist in the take off phase.  This film we look at landings and this is an area where the problem is poor technique, which is a training issue.

The most common gyroplane landing accidents can be prevented by doing the basics well and consistently.  

1. Make your circuits consistent
2. Fly a consistent approach speed
3. Trim
4. Make sure you trim
5. Did I mention trim yet?
6. Have a plan regarding your decision height - to mean if you are not either directionally stable and speed stable OR the runway isn't available / you have no clearance BEFORE this height you will go around.
7. If you get unstable before touchdown - you will go around - never force a landing out of every approach
8. Remember gyroplanes are very sensitive to yaw and drift - if you keep forcing a landing with yaw and drift apparent at some point you will not get away with it [it also means being aggressive with power changes during the float will promote yaw change]
9. After landing remember to manage the energy in your rotors - my advice is to stop and allow the RRPM to decay significantly before taxiing

Give yourself the best chance and stay safe.

The critic of this pilot is nothing to beat up on him personally and hopefully the lessons will be valuable to him - it will certainly keep him safer.

Please note the pilot featured in this film is a new pilot and so (like us all) is happy to learn and for others to learn from him.  Its a very noble and mature attitude and the video was used with his permission.  Below is a link to his YouTube channel which shows his overall competence is very good.  I have to say I'm grateful to him and as I said to him:-

Everyone including all instructors I know make these mistakes or have made them - its just we didn't all film them and put them on YouTube!  


Enjoy your flying everyone! Blue skies Francis and thank you.
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/02/05 منتشر شده است.
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