Breaking Bad: Walter White Is The Ultimate Entrepreneur (Business Lessons from Heisenberg)

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Walter White from Breaking Bad can teach us a lot about entrepreneurship and building a successful business. Here’s the 5 key business lessons from Heisenberg to help us become better entrepreneurs and make more money. Walt will teach us everything from branding tricks to partnership strategies in this Unlikely Mentors episode 3.

#1 Live Life Like You’re Against The Clock… Because You Are

Sounds a little morbid, but the recognition that we don’t have unlimited time is the best motivation to stop us from wasting it.

Before his diagnosis, Walt played everything safe, but it’s pretty much unanimously agreed that being an entrepreneur means taking risks. And once he realised he had limited time, he definitely did that. It might not always go to plan, but when you have that sense of urgency to achieve your goals, you’ll have the resilience to keep adapting and pivoting (a favourite word of entrepreneurs) until you eventually make things work.

#2 - Build a distinctly unique brand

Your competitive advantage can be on cost or differentiation, meaning to succeed you either find a way to provide lower prices than competitors (by lowering your own costs), or a way to provide a unique product that people will pay more for. Ideally, follow Walt’s example and differentiate on quality, because with price it’s often a race to the bottom with slim profits. Walt decided to sell the premium product on the market, and never compromised on the quality, so it become the one everyone wanted and Walt could name his price.

But most crucially of all, the brand was instantly identifiable thanks to the product’s blue colour. This separated it from the competition, and helped form a brand people recognized and became attached to. Your product might not be as addictive as meth, but creating distinct brand associations should still have people coming back for more.

#3 - Collaborate - Play To Your Strengths

An obvious difficulty when starting a business is you have to wear a lot of hats, you want to be the CEO but you also have to be the salesman, the accountant, the lawyer, and all the other jobs in the business.

But trying to do everything yourself will be about as successful as telling Walt a knock knock joke. Walt recognized his strengths and weaknesses, and immediately realised he needed a partner to fill in some of the gaps, which happened to be Jesse, who had market experience, product knowledge and the network/connections necessary for success in the industry.

#4 - Adopt a Hacker Mindset

When you’re starting out in business, you’re often competing with ventures that have far more money, resources and experience. The playing field isn’t even, and so you have to get more creative.

And for Walt there were definitely a lot of times he had to beat his enemies or competition despite the odds being completely against him. But he always saw a path that others didn’t… Quite often drawing on his chemistry talents to find creative solutions to difficult problems, like the epic fulminated mercury scene.  

A very simple illustration of this hacker mindset concept is the challenge to draw 4 straight lines through 9 dots. If you’ve not seen this before, pause and give it a go.

The only way to solve this? And no Jesse, not a robot. Just thinking outside the box - literally. Because nobody said you couldn’t go out the lines. And I know this is extremely basic, but I think it’s true that in many areas of life and business that we often impose restrictions on ourselves that aren’t actually there. And so when I say hacker mindset, I’m not talking Mr. Robot, I’m saying it’s important to challenge our existing assumptions to find ways of doing things that most people wouldn’t consider.

#5 - Never lose sight of your vision


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