What's more persuasive? "I think" or "I feel"?

Derek Halpern
Derek Halpern
30 هزار بار بازدید - 12 سال پیش - New Video: "Am I Going
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What do you think about this slight nuance in the english language? Come share your opinions with other Social Triggers community members here: http://socialtriggers.com/whats-more-...

Before you watch this video, and reveal the right answer, take a guess. What do YOU think is more persuasive?

You may think (or feel) worrying about the difference between "think" and "feel" is pointless, but the truth is...

...one IS more persuasive than the other, and when you know why—and WHEN—you can take full advantage of it.

So, whether you're writing a blog post, giving a presentation, or trying to persuade your significant other to believe your opinion, watch this video and you'll know EXACTLY how to kick-off your first sentence.

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Interested in the source for this research? Here it is:

Mayer ND, Tormala ZL. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Vol. 36, No. 4 (April 2010), pp. 443-454
12 سال پیش در تاریخ 1391/09/23 منتشر شده است.
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