Flutter Clean Architecture & TDD BLoC Design Pattern | Industry Standard Code | Project Based Part 1

141.9 هزار بار بازدید - 11 ماه پیش - This is a course about
This is a course about Flutter Clean Architecture TDD BLoC advanced tutorial or BLoC course Design pattern. Here in this course we cover in depth about clean architecture with BLoC. Not only it would TDD(test driven development). Video course would cover clean architecture and TDD with BLoC. Students wanna follow this need to take the course from Udemy.

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00:00:00 app introduction
00:14:00 Introduction to clean architecture
00:14:50 Domain layer definition and what is separation of concerns
00:17:06 Clean architecture components
00:17:26 Detail about domain layer and entities
00:18:45 Domain layer repositories and contracts and it's importance
00:19:39 Domain layer usecases and follow SRP principle
00:21:28 Data layer''s model and entity
00:23:02 Data layer's repository
00:26:08 Data layer's data source
00:27:08 Presentation layer bloc/cubit
00:28:46 TDD explanation
00:30:50: Talk about loose coupling and solid principle and dependency injection
00:32:30 Clean architecture solid principle
00:36:00 Solid principle L explain
00:36:50 Solid principle I explain
00:37:50 Solid principle D explain
00:39:20 Simple clean architecture example
00:43:42 Create the project
00:46:27 Introduce mockapi.io
00:46:45 Create new mock api (users)
00:48:40 Create src/authentication folder
00:50:00 Create domain layer
00:52:40 Dart Equatable object for users and compare
01:07:30 Install equatable package and create user model
01:09:40 Create domain layer repositories and authentication_repositories.dart
01:13:45 Create custom return type (Either data type with dartz package)
01:18:40 Create core/errors/failure.dart file
01:24:45 Create typedefs.dart for failure
01:27:55 Create domain layer usecases directory and CreateUser class
01:32:00 Create usecase/Usecase class
01:33:58 Explain callable function
01:41:00 Create UserParams class
01:44:10 Doing summary of all work
01:49:45: Create create_user test class
01:52:55 Explain testing
01:58:34 Install mocktail package
02:00:00 Start writing the test (main(), setup(), when(), thenAsnwer(), expect(), verify())
02:15:00 Set named params
02:20:25 CreateUserParams params and empty() constructor
02:24:00 Expect() function
02:31:20 Test pass
02:32:05 Test fail test
02:33:00 New file get_users_test.dart and do test
02:41:14 Work on data layer/UserModel.dart
02:43:09 Add serialization
02:46:09 Create fake users
02:50:15 Create toMap() & toJson() method
02:51:32 Explain why we need copyWith method
02:58:50 Model testing
03:03:00 Group testing for model fromMap
03:08:00 Read File().readAsStringSync()
03:16:38 fromJson() & toMap() method test
03:27:08 Repository implementation in data layer
03:30:25 Dependency inversion
03:33:00 Create interface AuthenticationRemoteDataSource
03:36:20 Return Entity or Model
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11 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/05/26 منتشر شده است.
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