Personality Traits Diagnostic Model of Personality Disorders in the DSM (Dimensional Model)

Dr. Todd Grande
Dr. Todd Grande
12 هزار بار بازدید - 6 سال پیش - This video answers the question:
This video answers the question: What is the personality trait model of diagnosing personality disorders in the DSM? When we consider personality disorders in the DSM, we know that there are sections on categorically diagnosing these disorders. For example, a number of symptom criteria and so many of those symptoms must be fulfilled in order to qualify for a diagnosis. In the DSM, there's also an alternative model based on personality traits. We could argue this is an approach to be more dimensional rather than categorical in terms of diagnosing. This alternate model can be used instead of the categorical model under certain situations, for example, if the categorical model of personality disorders doesn't quite match up to the needs in the assessment. This is also just really a proposed set of criteria and a proposed methodology, so it's something is still being worked on, but right now is available to use. First, to understand this personality trait model, we have to understand the general criteria for personality disorder under this model. Here we see two main criteria and then a few other criteria. We would have to consider the two criteria that really stand out here would be A and B. Criterion A says that there needs to be moderate or more severe impairment in personality functioning and Criterion B indicates that you would need to have one or more pathological personality traits. Then we see other criteria and these are like some other sets of criteria we see in other places in the DSM, including that this impairment that's referred to in criterion a must be inflexible and pervasive, the personality traits need to be stable, and the onset needs to be traced back to adolescence or early adulthood. We also see that the disturbance can't be better explained by another mental disorder, substance use, or from a medical condition. The disturbance would not be considered normal for the developmental stage or for the socio-cultural environment. Using this alternative model based on personality traits only six personality disorder can be diagnosed so from Cluster A we see only schizotypal (no schizoid and no paranoid personality disorder), from Cluster B we see antisocial, narcissistic, and borderline (no histrionic), and from Cluster C we see avoidant personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (no dependent personality disorder).
6 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/05/11 منتشر شده است.
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