Bogner Goldfinger 45 Guitar Amplifier | Inside and Out Closeup Review With Playing | Tony Mckenzie

12.2 هزار بار بازدید - 9 سال پیش - Mr Bogner seems to have
Mr Bogner seems to have made an guitar amp that does clean, 69 and 80's tones and more and has the odd trick up its sleeve that you may have never seen. But for the £2200 or $2429 is this just another overpriced amplifier?

And what about those tones? Did Bogner nail it. Check inside this amp to see the legendary Bogner quality - is it really as good as some reviews say? Audio includes some sound bytes and two played tracks at the end of the review.

Find out the answers to all of the questions you will undoubtedly have about the Goldfinger 45 - this quirky amp made by what some say is a quirky designer. For the price of this amp you could go on holiday! or buy a car! or even buy two Marshall amps! Is this really that good?

Check this unbiased review to see the Goldfinger 45 as you have never seen it before!

Bogner said:

"People will have to take their time to dial this amp in" Reinhold Bogner replied with raised voice, "it's not just an amp, it's a Guitar System!"

The Goldfinger is based around the rich harmonic textures of the iconic 6V6 tube. Known for having a nice warmth and a creamy breakup at fairly low volumes, the 6V6 sings like an EL34 but has more chime for cleaner bell like tones. The Goldfinger's power amp has the finesse of a Bull Rider that knows the art of hanging loose and tight at the same time, not an easy sonic accomplishment by any means. The 6V6 power amp, when combined with the many sonic fragrances of the fine-tuned preamp circuit, offers you have a complex harmonic universe that allows your soul to get lost in.

Reinhold's Guitar System? The Goldfinger is a two channel vintage voiced amplifier incorporating Reinhold Bogner's incredible tonal flexibility. Each channel, one named Alpha, the other Omega, features multiple controls and switches to highly customise your personal sound preferences.

The combination of the channels with the availability of a pre and post effects loop makes this amplifier a Guitar System which lets you route your guitar signal as needed without downloading the original audio signal.

The post effects loop is the more common found loop between pre amp and power amp. The loop can be operated in series or parallel and has a level switch to be set accordingly to the effects unit used. Parallel mode lets you mix your effects via a control to the pure dry signal. Series takes the entire dry signal and routes it through your effects unit, series can also be used as a volume boost.

The pre effects loop is incredibly unique and a first in amplifier designs. Actually, the second time, since in 1995 Reinhold designed and produced a limited 60 unit run of the hand wired Caveman amplifiers which featured a tube buffered pre effects loop. While this loop worked well and served its purpose for the 100% pure sound, you still had to plug the guitar directly into the channel inputs.

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9 سال پیش در تاریخ 1394/12/18 منتشر شده است.
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