Iranian Foreign Ministry comments on US, Russia, Iraq

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AP Archive
31 بار بازدید - 9 سال پیش - (16 Dec 2007) SHOTLIST 1.
(16 Dec 2007) SHOTLIST
1. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mohammad Ali Hosseini walking to podium
2. Close-up of hand taking notes
3. Wide of news conference
4. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Mohammad Ali Hosseini, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman:
"(An Iranian delegation currently in Baghdad) is having negotiations with the Iraqi officials on achieving better outcomes in the upcoming talks with Americans and urging Americans to keep to their commitments and to execute the duties they have undertaken in previous negotiations seriously. Such talks are good and we believe the US must try to entirely hand over power to the Iraqi government."
5. Hosseini speaking at podium
6. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Mohammad Ali Hosseini, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman:
"The suggested time for next round of Iran-US talks in Iraq is early January. We are still ironing out the details of the actual time and level of negotiations."
7. Cutaway of assembled media
8. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Mohammad Ali Hosseini, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman:
"We see that the Russians are serious to keep their commitments in completing the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant. However, no time can be announced for its completion yet."
9. Wide of news conference
10. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Mohammad Ali Hosseini, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman:
"She (Christine Levinson, wife of missing former FBI agent) has said that she wants to travel to Tehran soon. The time of this trip depends on her, a visa was granted to her and there will be no problem for her presence in Tehran."
11. Mid of news conference
12. Pull out of Hosseini leaving
Iran confirmed on Sunday that it was ready to hold another round of talks with the United States over the security situation in Iraq, but stressed that it wanted the Americans to leave Iraq and hand over power to the Iraqi government.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ali Hosseini told reporters at his weekly news briefing that an Iranian delegation currently in Baghdad was negotiating with Iraqi officials on achieving "better outcomes" in upcoming talks with US officials.
He said the delegation was "urging Americans to keep to their commitments and to execute the duties they have undertaken in previous negotiations seriously."
"Such talks are good and we believe the US must try to entirely hand over power to the Iraqi government," Hosseini said.
"The suggested time for next round of Iran-US talks in Iraq is early January. We are still ironing out detail of the actual time and level of negotiations," he added.
Hosseini also told reporters he was unsure as to the completion date for the construction of the Bushehr nuclear power plant, which plays a central role in the international tensions over Iran's nuclear programme.
"We see that the Russians are serious to keep their commitments in completing the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant. However, no time can be announced for its completion yet," he told reporters.
The United States and other critics have long protested construction of the 1 billion (b) US dollar plant, saying it would give Iran cover for developing a nuclear weapons programme.
Construction at the plant has been sporadically delayed amid disputes between Iran and Russia over payment, fuel delivery and other issues.
Russia has remained opposed to a US-led push for international sanctions against Iran for allegedly seeking to develop nuclear weapons.
Hosseini also told reporters that Iran will allow an American woman to travel to Tehran to get information about her husband, a former FBI agent, who was last seen at a resort island off the country's southern coast.

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